Sunday, December 30, 2018

2019 Under Construction

This year, as I feel my breath upon the door of 2019, I find myself reflecting on the old and the new.
If we make it through the door of the new, who is to say whether we will see it through, but if we do, I am talking to you.  Before we look forward to the new year, we must bid those we left behind a fitting adieu.  If we only we could have bought them more time, if only.  Oh, if only.  There is nothing we could do to keep them here.  They have celebrated their last New Year, pondered their last problem and are now from the cares of this life.  We, however, are very much up to our necks in life.  So, as we look in the rearview and cast our eyes ahead, in their honor, let us contemplate how we can end the bloodshed and the hatred that they were born into.  Let us also, in their honor, consider the world’s present state.  What is to be our fate if we don’t do something to change those things that will eventually destroy us all.  How can we avoid the almost inevitable fall of mankind?   I am not trying to paint a picture of gloom and doom, but it’s clear we are adding down a dark path.  We have got to make this year different.  Collectively, we must consider our direction.  Individually, we must ask ourselves what we are willing to commit to in 2019?  Will we destroy or create?  2019 is a slate yet clean.  If we are blessed, we will have 365 days to place under construction.  What are we going to create?  Will we create harmony or discord?  The choice is ours to make.  In honor of those who no longer can have the ability to create a better tomorrow, let us make a vow to not only build a year that they would be proud of but to also build a world that they would have been proud to be a part of.  2019, under construction.  What are you going to build? 


Friday, December 7, 2018

Story Without End

There is a story that began long ago
One we all know
I call it a story without end
Because it has been told again and again.
Year after year
It reaches ear after ear.
It is a story about a little baby boy's immaculate birth,
and how he came to earth to give life to the dying.
It is a story that encourages us to keep trying
And to have hope
Above all hope.
For those who believe the impossible can be,
It is more than a story
It is reality
A love to be treasured
From one who loves beyond measure
A love to be treasured
From one who loves beyond measure.
It is a story that imparts
Love to every heart
It is the reason why we celebrate with great joy
The birth of one baby boy
Tell the story
Tell of his glory
Let the world sing
Halleluiah to our King
Come let us adore this holy one
For all the days to come
Celebrate his birth
For he came to bring peace on earth
Remember the story,
Tell the story
Again and again
For it is the only story without end.

copyright 2010 Patricia Newman Harris
Matters of the Heart

Monday, November 12, 2018

Appreciating the Sacrifice (continued)

This morning I was listening to a radio program and heard a Veteran say that he did not understand when people said to him, "Thank you for your service."  He explained why, and I had never thought of things the way he saw it.   I think for so many young men who did not sign up for the job of being a soldier, hearing someone say, "Thank you for your service" might be confusing.   No matter what your reason for serving, it is and was a great sacrifice.   I still say we appreciate your service and we thank you for honoring the commitment.   You didn't have to do it, but you did.  Out of fear, you could have turned and ran away, but you stayed and served.    If not for your service, there would be no need for celebrating.  Every right we have earned has come at the expense of someone else.  Someone had conviction enough to sacrifice their life for you and me.  We not only owe them our gratitude, but we also owe them our respect.    As Americans, the best way to do that is by endeavoring to protect the freedoms so many died to preserve.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Appreciating the Sacrifice

As a country, we have been blessed.  Through the sacrifices of those who have served
we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.  In these troubling times, it is even more important that we realize the significance of those who sacrificed.  It is their sacrifice and their conviction to our country that we honor.  As Americans, it is something we should always appreciate and never take for granted.    Because of them, we can live the life we live today.  Without them, there would be nothing to celebrate, no spacious skies or purple mountains majesty to enjoy.  To our Veteran's still serving and to those who gave their lives, not just on Veteran's Day, but every day, we honor you and thank you for your service. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Thanksgiving...Something to be Thankful For

There are so many things we have to be thankful for.
In these hard times, I know we can be hard-pressed
to find those things.  Today, when I woke up, I
was just thankful that I did wake up.  So many
people did not.  Just looking at the basic needs,
I am blessed.  I have a place to stay, food to eat
and family and friends who care.  Some people
don't have these things.  They woke up this morning
in a makeshift home beside the freeway.  They
were cold, hungry and without any place to go.
This is their daily reality.  I might be hungry for
a while, but my next meal is as far away as my kitchen.
Theirs may only come if they can find a place that is
handing out food, or, if and when, a well-doer passes by
and gives them a helping hand.

November is the month of Thanksgiving.
In spite of all the things that are meant to discourage us on
a daily basis, as a country, we are very blessed.
Let us be mindful of our many blessings.  Count them
one by one, and you will find you have a lot to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, October 29, 2018

In Memory of Those Lost

It seems this will never end.
In times like these, I remember a poem written by
a friend that he entitled,
When will I Stop Writing Poems Like These?
Though it was some years ago that the poem was written,
I feel that it is still a very appropriate question.
There seems to be no end to the senseless killings.
When we are at war, we know lives will be lost.
The sad part about these killings is they cannot be
reasoned away.
When you have a Veteran who has served his country
in Iran or Iraq who can possibly return home only to
lose his life to gun violence, unexpectedly, something is wrong.
This is supposed to be our safe place, haven, our home.
It is the place that is supposed to embrace us all
at our lowest point.
If not here,
Where is our safe place?
Where is our haven?
When it comes to racism and prejudice,
Instead of there being a "never again,"
There is an again, and again and again.

To those who are grieving the unexpected loss of their
loved ones, I wish you peace.  I am so, so, sorry
that we have failed you once again.

When we all agree that peace
is the only course we will take
We will put an end to hate.

P. Harris

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Don't Mute Your Voice

As the time to vote approaches, the need to share the importance of casting your vote is becoming more urgent.  Don't mute your voice.  If you don't vote, you have no right to complain about the outcome.  This is not the time to wait on the world to change, you have to be a part of the change.

I would like to share something I wrote before the last Presidential Election.

We have all been entertained by the prospects in the coming election.
It is okay to be entertained, but when it comes to filling the office of the President,
we need to be more than just entertained.  If nothing else, we need someone who reflects what we represent as Americans.  It would be unrealistic to expect anyone to be perfect, but there should be an expected standard.  If we want our children to be empathetic, we have to show them an example of empathy.  If we want them to be respectful, we have to show them how to be respectful.  If we want them to learn how to be just and fair, we have to show them how to be just and fair.  No, we don't need someone perfect, but now more than ever, we need someone who knows how to show love and unity.  In this age of cyber-bullying and school shootings, we need someone who can show our children that hate will not be tolerated, not just in America, but in the world.   Now, more than ever, we need a President who will listen to what others have to say.  We are a country that has been striving to attain a vision as a united nation.  We want to continue forward with that vision.  Going back down the mountains we have climbed is not an option.  So, if you are not sure whether or not you are going to vote, ask yourself this question.  How important is it to you to have the right to have a say in this country's future.  If you care about your future, the future of your children, and the future of this nation, you must vote.  A decision not to vote is a decision not to make a choice.  There is no perfect candidate, so don't use that as an excuse not to vote.  If you think one vote won't make a difference, think back to the last Presidential election.  Too many people decided that their one vote didn't matter.   It definitely does matter.   Too many people died for us to have that choice.  They must have thought it important enough to make so great a sacrifice.  Make a choice.  Please, please, use your voice.  Don't put your voice on mute.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Still Waiting on the World to Change-Will you be the One?

Will You Be the One?

These are trying times, but we don’t have to accept the looming gloom.
We can bring light to this world.  One by one. One by one, we can end hate.
Darkness does not have to be our fate.  All it takes is one man who will face
Darkness and not turn away.   One man who will illuminate the dark passageways.
All it takes is one small beam.  One man who will stand against the darkness and scream.
All it takes is just one.  One light, shining bright in the darkest night.  One light.
Just one light to lead the way.  That is what we need today.  Will you be the one?  Will you be
the one?  When it’s all said and done, will you be the one?  In this age of great darkness, we
need people who will bravely speak light into the darkness.  If we are going to win, it will
Take an army of like-minded men.   It is said, “The darkest hour is just before the day.”  We cannot
wait for the morning to come.   We need people who will stand in the darkest hours and illuminate
the passageways.  Will you be the one, the one who will stand?   In spite of your fears, with tears streaming down, will you be the one?  In darkness so deep you cannot see your way,  Will you light
the passageway?  From the darkest pit of injustice, Martin stood and screamed, "I have a dream."  All it takes is just one.  One is all it takes.  Will you be the one? Will you be the one?

Copyright Patricia Newman-Harris, 2018

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Good-bye to a True American

Though there may be differences in what I believe and what others believe in this country,
I have always been able to look beyond politics to the heart of the person.  I would like to offer this poem to the family of John McCain, who, at heart, was a true American.  He looked beyond party to consider the good of our nation.  For that, we should be most grateful.  Would that more of our politicians could do the same.  His honesty and his integrity will be missed.

 Long Live America

To the men and women who towed the line,
Walked on mines,
Kept watch day and night
So we could see the dawn’s early light.
To those who left family and friends behind,
Gave freely of their time.
To the young men and women who postponed their dreams
To give us a chance to know what freedom means.
How do we say thank you?
How do we repay such a debt as yours?
You chose to sail foreign shores
Never knowing if you would ever be back.
You came under constant attack,
But you never said no to the call.
You gave your all.
Every opportunity we enjoy
Came at great expense.
You provided our defense.
You bore the hurt and pain
Without shame,
Without fear.
Because of you, we are still here,
Standing strong on your behalf.
In your honor, we fly our flags at half-staff.
We raise our hands in salute to you,
Because this is what we do.
You are gone, but know, you will never be forgotten
No, you will never be forgotten.
Every Memorial Day, you are there.
Every Independence Day you are there,
Every Veteran’s Day, you are there.
Every victory we celebrate, you are there.
Every flag that we raise,
Every moment of praise
Is not our's alone.
From every hillside and plain,
We proudly speak your name.
Because of you, America is America,
And will always be,
Because of you,
we can still sing of her spacious skies
And purple mountains majesty
You made America the beautiful country we see.
Our country, our home
It is because of people like you,
We can proudly sing,
Let freedom ring!
Long live freedom,
Long live liberty,
Long live America,
Our country,
Our home.

 copyright Patricia Newman-Harris

Friday, August 17, 2018

Honoring Aretha Franklin

I consider it a joy and a privilege to have lived through decades of listening to Aretha's music,
experiencing her greatness, both as a musician and as a person, and for having the honor of being a recipient of such a rich legacy.  She has not only lived a life of greatness she has also honored her commitment to her family by leaving them a legacy they can be proud of.

I think she has left us all with the understanding that we all deserve to be treated with decency and respect, regardless of race, color, gender or sex.

Aretha, you have found your Angel to fly away with.  May you float across the heavens above.
We wish you love.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Love Game

I grew up in a day when you kinda had an idea of a guy's intent.  You usually didn't have to guess what he meant.  If he liked you, he'd let you know.  I admit there may have been sometimes when I had to resort to, "He loves me.  He loves me not."  Generally, however, things were rather routine.  If a guy liked you, he asked you to "Go steady."  From then on, you were considered boyfriend and girlfriend.

Over the years there has been a gradual change.  I find it all strange.  Now, a girl has no clue of where a guy is coming from until one day, he announces he is "Done."  Magically, he determines that you were not the one or, he was "Just not that into you."  The problem is, you may not hear the words directly from his mouth.  The news can come from so many different platforms.  It may come via text, Instagram or Facebook.  Who knows?  You can be going out on the regular, even being intimate more regular than not, and still be introduced as his "Friend."  I grew up when friends were not anyone you slept with.  Hey, I did say I was old school.  I sure don't understand the rules.  The dating game is far from the same.  People are getting matched by Patti, making Love Connections with Andy instead of Chuck, getting Married at First Sight and making Proposals on the first night.  They are so confused they are going on TV asking the question, "Are you the one?"  I find it all intriguing.  I just wonder when finding love became so complicated?   Seems like, in spite of the numerous ways you can hook up, people seem to be incapable of hooking up without help.  They are joining Match, E Harmony or some other dating site hoping for a bite.  There is a risk in all of this.  Instead of finding the one, many have found a Catfish on their line.  It is worse than dating blind.  At least when you go on an actual blind date, you stand a better chance of not being deceived.  All I can say is I wish all of you searchers out there the best.   I really do hope you find "The One."  


I was making light of the situation, but searching for love is something most of us spend a lifetime doing.  Who knows if true love will ever come our way?  Stay encouraged.  Take the heartaches with the pain but make every effort to stay in the game.  One day you will realize it was worth it all.  Even when love is gone, you have got to let the love play on.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Mama Won't You Tell Me

When I look at children growing up today, I wonder what questions must be going through their minds?  How do they feel watching our country sweat the small stuff while things fall down around our ears?  This is what inspired this poem. 

Please remember all the young black men who were slain for nothing more than the color of their skin.  Remember their Mothers and their Fathers who are left to wonder why their child had to die.   Then remember that these young people deserve a chance to dream just like everyone else.

Mama Won’t You Tell Me
©2011 by P. Newman-Harris

Mama won’t you tell me
How can I make it through the day?
How can I have fun
How can I play
When little children are being blown away?
In a world that is morally sick
How do I not end up a statistic?
How do I stay encouraged when I’m expected to fail?
How can I stay out of jail?
How can I learn to be a man
When there is no one there to take my hand
And no one to understand?
They tell me to stand on my own two feet,
But how can I stay clean living on a crime infested street?
I don’t know how long I can stay on the right path.
I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last.
What do I do when there are no jobs and no way
To make a decent pay?
You may think I’m too young to know,
But Mama I want to know
How can I be all I can be
When the decks are stacked against me?
I appreciate your sacrifices.
I really want to make something of my life
But how do I keep trying
When inside I’m dying
A little every day?
How can I make my fears go away?
How can I plan for tomorrow
When I don’t’ know if I’ll make it through the day?
Mama won’t you tell me
Who is going to save me?

Saturday, July 21, 2018

We Are Family

Every summer, I share this story.  Usually, somewhere someone is attending a family reunion.  I know they can relate.  You love going, but you know there can possibly be some drama.  Try not to let the drama get to you.  Just enjoy your family while you can.   Here is my family reunion story (Most is fictional).

When it comes to family reunions, we all have a story to tell.
Even when things don’t go well,
Everyone has a memory to treasure,
What matters most is the time spent together.
No matter the family name
Every reunion seems the same
There’s always a favorite Grandpa,
Grandma, a favorite Aunt or Uncle,
That keeps the family going
Without knowing,
They are the family glue.
One day, they will cement
the memories everyone holds onto.
If we keep living,
There are some things that are a given
One day we will be gathering under a tree
Trying to see what we can see,
Checking out everyone that comes within our sight,
Looking to see whose pants are too tight
Or whose skirt is too short..
There is always the gathering of the family court.
The women gather to discuss who has gained weight since last year
While the men go where the women can’t hear,
Grab a brew and discuss who is doing who.
It’s almost like a competition.
The one you least expect makes an admission.
Of all people, Uncle George
Admits that he’s been creepin
While Aunt Mamie is sleepin.
Everybody looks at him and rolls their eyes
Cause they know he ain’t doing nothing but talking lies.
You see, it don’t take a wizard
To see that Aunt Mamie is,
as Grandma would say,
"Crazier than a road lizard."
Besides, Uncle George just ain’t going out that way.

Every family has a Madea to fear.
She is always ready to box the children’s ears.
She  has a powerful punch
And is not afraid to stand up to anyone in the bunch. 
Madea don’t play.
When they say crazy, Madea is crazy with a double z.
In every family there is always a family disgrace.
You know, the person who gets drunk and throws up all over the place.
Inevitably, somebody makes a liquor run and disappears
Only to reappear like magic, just before its time to say
their last goodbyes.
Nobody bothers anymore to wonder why.
What would a reunion be without a little excitement?
It seems as if someone is hell-bent
On causing a fight.
It doesn’t matter.
This time next year,
nobody remembers that night.
Well, they might remember,
But come September,
They are already making plans for the next reunion.
After all who wants to miss the family reunion.
When it’s all said and done,
We are and always will be, family.
We will always forget our differences and sing,
 “We are family.  I got all my people with me.”
Because we are and always will be, family! 

copyright P. Newman-Harris

Thursday, July 19, 2018

All We Need is Love

People everywhere
need someone to care.
In a world without love
No one survives
We need love to stay alive.
Until we function as one,
Peace will never come
Why is it so hard for us to see?
We are talking basic humanity.
No matter where we live,
No matter our circumstance,
We all deserve a chance.
You may think you have the homeless man beat
But anyone can end up on the streets.
The face of the homeless changes all the time
It could be yours or mine.
When we find common ground,
We will find a sacred place where we all can abound.
If we think we can do it alone,
We may as well pack up and go home.
We don’t need a New Year’s resolution.
We need a solution.
The answer lies in the heavens above.
All we need is love.
We don’t have to search our minds,
The answers ours to find.
We don’t need a fortune-teller
Or an astrologist.
We don’t need a sociologist or psychologist.
There is no mystery,
No special key
or secret passageway
We can end our problems today.
We don’t have to solve the case.
It is as clear as the nose on our face.
There is no special fix,
No chemicals to mix
There is an answer.
There is a way.
Only those who hear the call
Will see the light
In the darkest of nights
Others will spend a lifetime
Hopelessly searching
for answers that they will never find.
The answers have been there all the time
written in verse and line.
For the Bible tells us so
All we need is one seed to make it grow
The answer lies in the heavens above
All we need is love.

copyright by P. Newman-Harris

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

In All Thy Getting


In my lifetime, I have seen the seemingly impossible come to be
Man has accomplished things that will go down on the pages of history
He has soared high in the heavens above and delved the depths of the sea.
He has almost surpassed anything he hoped could be.
He has scaled the tallest mountains,
Traveled the vast terrain
Made countless discoveries,
Solved many a mystery,
He has conquered the unknown,
And righted many a wrong
Great men have come and gone
Trying to help us grow strong
Some have left behind a great legacy
Trying to make things better for you and me
Despite our victories, there remains one lingering defeat
One standard we have yet to meet
One dream that goes unfulfilled,
We have shown that we can conquer our greatest fears,
But we can’t make our differences disappear
We have built great bridges
And elaborate edifices
We have caused many things to cease
But still, there is no peace
We can transplant the human heart
But we can’t change the condition of the human heart
All of man’s accomplishments will pale
If in this one task he fails
We can cast everything we’ve done into the sea
If there is no love between you and me
For everything man has done will be without meaning
If in all his getting, he fails to get an understanding.

copyright Patricia Newman Harris

Scripture reference:

Proverbs Chapter 4

It amazes me as I sit back and watch some of the events of recent days
It almost leaves me speechless.  What can you say when in the presence
of truth, there appears to be a blatant absence of truth?
I try not to be discouraged by anything I see and hear, and I always
remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. regarding justice.
"Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."

I know all things are working for our good.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Losing is Hard, but Stay Encouraged

One of my past-times is watching voice competitions like American Idol and the Voice.
I see so many hopeful singers being told no.  I see the disappointment on their faces and
I feel their hurt.  For all of those people who are turned down, I want to say, Stay encouraged.
The words no should never deter you from your dreams.  There is nothing anyone can say to take your dreams away from you.

Have you ever looked high into the sky
and asked, why?
In your lifetime there will be many days
that you will not understand.
The key is to stay in the race
Don't allow yourself to be displaced.
I saw the tears streaming down your face
When the judges said you did not place.
I know it is hard to stay encouraged
when you feel so discouraged
Hearing the words "no"
cut to the very soul
But don't lose sight of your goal.
The closer you get
The more you may hear the words, "Not yet."
You may be told that you are not the one.
Remember, it's not over
It's not done
This might not be the year
for you to hear what you want to hear
It's okay to shed your tears
But have no fear
In your lifetime
There will be a right place and a right time
Failure is only a part of your journey
It is just one rung on the stairway to the top
Don't stop
You will rise, not by your power
But by his might
Keep seeking the light.
Like a starship in the night
Your dreams will one day take flight!


People look into your eyes and tell you "No."
God looks inside your heart and tells you, "Yes."

Friday, June 29, 2018

In Memory

Today, I would like to pause to remember all those who have lost their lives due to any form of violence.  I pray that we don't become insensitive to these events due to their growing number.  I'd especially like to remember those who died in yesterday's shooting.  It is, indeed, a sad day when we lose anyone in this fashion.  I immediately think of the song," Love is in Need of Love Today."  Our only hope to stay the violence is the belief that our lives are precious and worthy of preservation.

The road this country has taken is a very dangerous one.  Our very lives depend on where we go from here.  One thing I know is true.  America is not just you.  It is not just me.  It is us.  One thing describes us all.  No matter what color the face, no matter the place in this great land, we are all Americans.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's Day to all Dads

A Father is a Father from America to China,
Whether he is a fisherman or a King,
He feels the same things.
So, to all the Fathers where ever you are
I send this Father's Day message:

To the young man soon to be a Father,
to the Fathers celebrating anew,
to the Father's in uniform far and near,
we celebrate you all this year.
To the Father's in blue to the Firefighters
working so hard that don't have time to read a card
To the Grandparents and Great Grandparents
and to those in the great beyond who have
nurtured, fostered, mentored and poured wisdom
into so many of our young, from generation to generation.
We say thank you to each and every one of you for making
a commitment and following through.  We celebrate
the fruit of your labor, knowing that because of you,
the world will be enriched and blessed with men
of commitment and integrity just like you.  Because of you,
the gift of fatherhood and love will be birth and rebirthed
long after you are gone.

I dedicate this song to my Dad for Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

Friday, June 15, 2018

Words Unexpressed..Dedicated to Fathers

When I was younger, my Father spent most of his time working.  He worked numerous jobs at one time.  The way he spent time with us was to take us with him to his evening and weekend jobs.  We had fun, so we never looked at it as work.  It was a chance to hang out with him.  Later, when he used to pick me up from work and it was just he and I, we would ride in silence.   Though he seldom expressed his love, I knew it was there.  I wrote this when I was reflecting on his love.

Some words go unexpressed,

Lying quietly inside a man’s breast.

He hesitates to express his feelings

For fear he will be thought of as less.

Feelings choke his chest,

Begging to be expressed.

Lying in the deepest portals of his soul

Growing cold as the years make him old.

Others think he doesn’t care,

But there are words he cannot share.

Inside is where they remain.

Preventing cleansing which comes with new rain.

Inwardly, he exalts with words unspoken.

And makes promises that will never be broken.

Though, his words may go unexpressed.

Silently, he wishes you his best.

copyright P. Newman-Harris

Happy Father's Day to all Fathers

I dedicate this song to all the Fathers out there, but especially to my own Father, who took great pride in being called Father.  My love for him will always be, because of his love for me and our family.
Thank you Daddy for your love.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Celebrating Memorial Day..Honoring and Remembering those who served

Understanding the legacy we hold in our hands.
I hope we understand we have so much to be thankful for.
Those who sacrificed their lives understood the premise of brotherhood
and thanksgiving.

Dedicated to those who Sacrificed to make our country
what it is today:

Oh, if we could but understand
the sacred legacy we hold in our hands.
Every dream that ever came true.
It is all because of you.
You watched by day and by night
You fought until the dawn's early light.
You left the safety of home
You ventured out alone
You made the decision to leave
Because you believed
Everything beautiful in America we see,
the oceans, the seas,
the flowers on the fields,
the majestic mountains and green hills
It all could have disappeared
They are still here for us to enjoy
because of the young girl or boy
who answered the call
to protect us all
The tears they shed
The blood they bled
is why the stars and stripes
yet wave over land and sea.
Without them, none of it would be.
The battles we won and lost
Came at great cost.
Oh, how great the legacy
we hold in our hands.
For it was provided by those
who sacrificed for you and for me.
I pray you value the legacy we hold in our hands
A lifetime of thank yous would never repay the
debt we owe.
Treasure the legacy,
Remember the legacy
For oh how great the legacy
we hold in our hands.
I hope you can,
I pray you can understand
how great the legacy
we hold in our hands.

 copyright Patricia Newman-Harris

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Congratulations Graduates

It is said that in order to win the race, you have to first enter the race; second, you have to run the race
and third, you have to cross the finish line!

May your graduation day be the beginning of many races towards the finish line.


copyright Patricia Newman-Harris 

Before you were born, God had a plan for you.

He already knew the things you would do.

At times when you felt all alone,

God was helping you hold on.

Sometimes we have to walk through the dark of night

Before we’re able to see his marvelous light

God sees what you have on the inside.

The world can only see what’s on the outside.

He knew some of your dreams would falter and die,

But he also knew one day you would fly.

God has already made a way for you.

All you have to do is keep pressing until you break through.

The world may not see how great you are,

But in God’s eyes you are a star.

In good times and in bad, you’ve got to be sure

The reward only goes to those who will endure.

God knows the beginning and the end.

He’s already determined that you will win.

Out of all the people in the world he chose you.

God has a plan for you.

Monday, April 30, 2018

The Precious Gift of Life

Watching the news of late has been very hard.
Every day some innocent person is killed.  The
accidents are difficult to accept but understood.
I cannot understand the unnecessary deaths that
occur each and every day.  It is especially hard
to listen to a report of innocent people being
mowed down by a vehicle, bombed or murdered
for the color of their skin.

Every day we live is a gift.
Treasure the gift of your life,
but also treasure the gift of each and
every life, regardless of color, station,
race or any other differences that may exist.

None of us have the ability to recreate a life,
so we definitely have no right to take a life.

That authority belongs to God alone.
Before you decide to take a life,
think of this.  You may be willing to
surrender your own, but that person has not
granted you permission to take theirs.  Please,
please, have respect for the gift of life.  It is
a precious gift granted to us all.  Love, the gift,
Thank God for the gift, but most of all, respect
the gift.  

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

What it means to be called an American

When we look back on our history, from our humble beginnings to where we are today, I am mindful of those who came before and how, through their struggles and tribulations, this country was birthed,  It was their beliefs and their aspirations that formed the foundation and the principals that, through the years, has governed this country.  As Americans, they stood strong and united in their convictions to insure the promise, that to every man who called America home, certain rights would always be guaranteed.  Further, these rights were established by written decree so that, without question, they would be what consolidated our unity.  This was an act of great courage and humility.   I am so grateful for those accomplishments, because I know the cost.  It was their ability to consider the greater good that brought them to the decision to write the Declaration that granted us the freedoms we now embrace.  For us, they stood as a United nation, sealing our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  That, was their promise, that was their decree.  Now, more than ever, we need  to consider our history, and decide just how much it means to us to preserve it and what it stands for.
Let us agree to stand, once again, as one nation, united for the common good of us all.  For as Americans who truly believe in the solidarity and unity that preserves our creed, this is what we should willingly do.  In conclusion, remember this:

America is not just me.
It's not just you.
It is us.
The one thing that describes us all
and unites us all,
regardless of our station or place in this great land,
Is that we are all Americans.
When we forget that, then, we forget what being an American really means.