Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Celebrating Black History Month

As Black History Month begins, I feel it is no greater time than now than to look back and remember the great contributors to our history, past and present, and to say thank you to them all.  One of the most important tasks we have as survivors and recipients of this great legacy is to always be thankful for the legacy.   As you walk your life's path, think of all the unfilled dreams you will be fulfilling for those who never had the opportunity to live their dreams.

You Have a Dream to Fulfill

Before you were birthed
Before you were placed on this earth,
God breathed life into your nostrils and said
You have a dream to fulfill.
I will supply all your needs
I am all you need to succeed.
You are mine
You will always shine
You were the King or Queen
of my heart
When he breathed life into your being,
It was your Spirit he was freeing
God, the designer of your fate,
Created you to be great.
Always shine your heavenly light.
Whatever you do, do it with all your ight.
Follow His plan
Hold fast His hand
Allow him to direct your life
You can do all things through Christ,
Above all you can ask or think.
He will not allow you to sink.
Before you were birth,
Before you were placed on this earth,
God breathed life into your nostrils and said,
"You have a dream to fulfill."

copyright, 2014, Living the Dream

Saturday, January 13, 2018

King Day Celebration Thank you (continued)

In spite of anything we see, we know that we can make it to the mountain top.
For we know who holds the world.  Martin, we miss you, but we know we will see you again.

Thank you

Today, I just want to say thank you
Thank you for paving the way
I once was too young to understand,
I couldn’t phantom how much you willingly risked.
You put your heart on the line.
Lined your will up with the divine,
Just to save us all.
Now, I know just how hard you had to go.
Despite opposition,
You held your position.
Just to think you sacrificed,
You gave your life
For a day you knew you might never see
It blows me away
Your insight,
Along with God’s power and might
Brought us through the night.
You shined a light on man’s inhumanities
And made justice visible for all to see.
You gave us something on which to build
You enabled us to play on an equal field
You led a path way to freedom
That brought us where we are today.
Thanking you today is just a small way
To repay you for all you’ve done.
Because of you, generations of little boys and girls 
Have a chance to dream higher than we ever thought possible.
You changed the world.                               
Yes, you changed the world.
So, we thank you.
We lift our voices towards the heavens 
And say thank you.
Thank you for being our Joshua,
Who made us fit for the battle;
Thank you for being our Moses
And helping us find our way to the promised land.
Thank you, 
Oh, how we thank you.
We lift our voices to the heavens
And say thank you.

Copyright Patricia-Newman Harris

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

King Day Celebration

Thank You for the Dream

As we celebrate the legacy
You left behind
The light of your love still shines
The words, I have a dream
Still scream
Resonating beyond the grave
To the roads you have paved.
Though you are gone,
On the strength of your words alone,
One man stood strong
Declaring, “Yes we can”
With the passion and fire
that only you could inspire.
Because of you,
a dream came true
For a nation.
For every little boy and girl
Across the world,
The doors of opportunity opened wide.
So, we can stand with pride
Knowing anyone can climb the mountain
Until they reach the top.
You sparked an eternal flame.
There is no limit to what we can attain.
The legacy you left behind
Has allowed us to shine.
So, today, we just want to say thank you.
Thank you for the victories we have won,
For the triumphs we have seen
Most of all, thank you for the dream.
Your blood, sweat and tears
Brought us through the trying years.
Thank you,
Thank you
For the opportunities you provided,
For the doors that opened wide,
For every road you paved,
For the lives you saved
For the seed you have sown
For the wind you have blown
Beneath our wings.
For all these things,
We thank you.
Because of you, our dreams can come true
You have passed the baton
So, your dreams will live on.
For all that you left behind,
I just want the first thank you to be mine.
Because of you, no man need die
His dreams untried.
You died for that cause.
So, today we pause
And say thank you.
Thank you
For all the firsts achieved
Because you believed
For the lions of hate that were tamed
In your name,
For the victories we have won
For the triumphs we have seen;
For all that it means,
Thank you for the dream.
Thank you for the dream
For all that it means,
Thank you for the dream

copyright 2014 by Patricia Newman-Harris,  Living the Dream

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy New Year...May it be Purposeful and Prosperous

May this be your year of purpose, direction and prosperity.  May you open your heart and your mind to new and exciting ideas.  May you look past your own circumstances to the circumstances of others less fortunate.  May this be the beginning of the best years of your life.  Most importantly,

The Lord bless you and keep you--the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.. Numb. 6:24-26.

Happy 2018

Live for Today

Say good-bye to yesterday,
Don’t let your past get in the way.

Cast regrets aside
Live today with pride

Give no thought to tomorrow.
A new day of troubles you will borrow.

That you will see tomorrow is no guarantee.
Why worry about something that may never be?

Say good-bye to yesterday.
Magically, your cares will slip away.

Live for today.
Then, trust God to make a way.

He who can account for every tiny grain of sand,
Will he not hold tomorrow in his hands?

He already knows what is around life’s bend.
He will help you find that rainbow’s end.

P. Newman-Harris
                                              copyright 2004

For those who are in the midst of a struggle, remember, in God, there is always hope for tomorrow.