Friday, June 28, 2019

The Gift that is Free

There is a gift that is free Once we unwrap it, it's ours for all eternity. It comforts the wounded and the broken-hearted. It erases boundaries and causes walls to fall. It cannot be purchased or won, but it is offered to everyone. It forms lasting friendships and creates marriages that never end. It is stronger than any glue you can find. It holds families together through trials and tragedies. It endures a life time. It brings hope to the hopeless and gives strenghth to the weak. It is the answer to unaswered questions, and the solution to every problem. It allows us to look into the innermost parts our being to places that are beyond seeing. It teaches unconditional respect and mercy. It circumvents station, reaching down from the highest of places to the lowest of places. Without it we will never grow and we will never know all we need to know. We can remain blind and allow the doors of the universe to remain locked, but that is not how it has to be. The answers are ours to find. They are in the singers song, and the the painters portrait. They have been written across the pages of time in verse and line. Listen, and you will hear the universe speaking. "Nothing is unique. You have the answers you seek. There is no problem to solve. There is no big mystery. I am the answer. I am the key." It goes back to the beginning, you see. Back to the eve of our Saviour's birth. Think of the gift he brought for you and for me. The gift is the key. Jesus is saying, "Accept the gift, and you will be free. If you never receive another gift, you can still be happy. Here is the key. The greatest gift is yours for free. That gift is me."

Friday, June 14, 2019

Posting Back at Blogspot

Last year I posted that I would be also posting at  I am no longer posting at website and have resumed posting at

To the Fathers of the World

In every corner of the world across continents and cultures, a Father is a Father.  Despite our differences, there are some things that connect us all.  We may deny it from now until forever, but it will not change the truth.  When a Father holds his child in his arms for the first time, that feeling is universal.  When a Father dances with his daughter at her wedding the joy he feels is the same for every Father.

As a daughter who has lost her Father, I know that someone out there way on the other side of the world feels the same gaping hole in their heart.  If we could look beyond what we believe is our obvious differences and embrace our all so obvious similarities, maybe, just maybe, we could learn to live together in peace.  Maybe.

This Father's Day, I am breaking down the walls and reaching across our differences to wish all the Fathers in the World a Happy Father's Day; because, somebody, somewhere loves and appreciates your love and your sacrifices more than you know.

To my Dad, Daddy, I miss you.  Though the years have lessened the degree of the pain I felt when you first left, your absence is still felt just as strong as the day you left.  I thank you for the years that I will never forget.  I still remember your voice, your laughter, your love and your unwavering devotion to our family.  I smile when I remember the little things that you did with us as kids.  How can I not miss such a strong presence that was ours to share across 3 generations?  When you left I was way past the age of being your little girl, but just like you never stopped referring to me as, your "Little Girl," I will never stop calling you my Daddy.   You were not better than the rest, in my eyes, you will always be the best.

For all the little girls and boys who danced on their father's toes:  This one is for you.