Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Part 3--Only Love..All we Need is Love

People everywhere
need someone to care.
In a world without love
No one survives
No one can stay alive.
Until we function as one,
Peace will never come
Why is it so hard for us to see?
We are talking basic humanity.
No matter where we live,
No matter our circumstance,
We all deserve a chance.
You may think you have the homeless man beat,
But the face of the homeless changes all the time
It could be yours or mine.
We need to find common ground.
There is a sacred place where we all can abound.
If we think we can do it alone,
We may as well pack up and go home.
We don’t need a New Year’s resolution.
There is a solution.
The answer lies in the heavens above.
All we need-is love.
We don’t have to search our minds,
The answers ours to find.
We don’t need a fortune-teller
Or astrologist.
We don’t need a sociologist or psychologist.
There is no mystery,
No special key
To unlock a secret passage way
We can solve our problems today.
The answer has been here all the time
Written in verse and line.
We don’t have to solve the case.
It is as clear as the nose on our face.
There is no special fix,
No chemicals to mix
There is an answer.
There is a way.
Narrow is the road that leads therein,
It won’t be known by all men.
Only those who hear the call
Will see the light.
Others will spend a lifetime
Hopelessly searching for the light
When the answer has been there all the time
Written in verse and line.
The answer lies in the heavens above
All we need is love.

copyright 2015 Patricia Newman-Harris