Saturday, November 25, 2017

Which right will you give away?

In the midst of the unrest within our own country,
I pause to consider the plight of those who are far less
fortunate.  We have only had a taste of what
some of them have endured all their life.   America, as a nation,
we have so much to be thankful for.  It's time we realized our
blessings, stop the in-fighting and unite or we will forfeit
what we take for granted.   My question is, which right are you
willing to give away?

In Foreign Lands

Lord, I’m praying for the coming of day
In foreign lands far away.
People are dying every day.
Gone, like ashes scattered in the wind
Never to be seen again
To us, they are people without face or name,
But they are people just the same.
Each one a part of the human race,
Regardless of the color of the face.
Help us to open our bowels of mercy.
Enable us to see
What we have not allowed ourselves to see.
Children alone
Without family or home
Never having an opportunity
To be a child, young and free
Loved ones gone without a trace
Babies left to carry on in their place
For them the surrounding darkness overshadows the light
They have no reason to believe there is hope in sight
May we be their beacon of hope on a darkened horizon,
A rising sun where there was never one
Father, remove the pain of disgrace
From a disease with no regard for person or place
May we no longer pretend that we do not see
People living in agony
May we be there to relieve their fears and dry their tears.
Help them to see past the trying years.
Erase their sorrows,
And bring a rainbow of hope for tomorrow
Help us to be a willing hand to hold
In a world that is hard and cold.
All they need is a chance
To invite life to dance
Without our help their lives will end
Let us be their opportunity to begin
Lord, I’m praying for the coming of day
In foreign lands far away
Young and old are dying everyday
Though they be people without face or name
They are people just the same
Each one a part of the human race
Regardless of the color of the face.

copyright 2010, Matters of the Heart, Patricia Newman-Harris

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Celebrating Veteran's Day-We thank you

To the men and women who towed the line,
Walked on mines,
Kept watch through the night
Until the dawn’s early light.
To those who left family and friends behind,
Gave freely of their time.
To those who postponed their dreams
So we could know what freedom means.
How do we say thank you?
How do we repay a debt like yours?
You sailed to foreign shores
Never knowing if you would ever be back.
You came under constant attack,
But you never said no to the call.
You gave your all.
The opportunities we enjoy
Came at great expense.
You provided our defense.
You bore the hurt and pain
Without shame,
Without fear.
Because of you, we are still here,
Standing strong on your behalf.
In your honor, we fly our flags at half-staff.
We raise our hands in salute to you,
Because this is what we do.
You are gone, but you will never be forgotten.
No, you will never be forgotten.
Every Memorial Day, you are there.
Every Independence Day you are there,
Every Veteran’s Day, you are there.
Every victory we celebrate, you are there.
Every flag that we raise,
Every moment of praise
Is not ours alone.
You have made America our home.
From every hillside and plain,
We proudly speak your name.
Because of you America is America,
And will always be, America.
Because of you, we can still sing of her spacious skies
And purple mountains majesty.
You made America the beautiful country we see.
Our country, our home
Because of you we can proudly sing,
Let freedom ring!
Long live freedom,
Long live liberty,
Long live America,
Our country, our home.

copyright 2015 Patricia Newman-Harris