Sunday, November 30, 2014

Everday is a Day of Thanksgiving ---It's a Brand New Day!

It's a brand new day
No matter what comes my way.
I'm going to praise him anyway.
Cause it's a brand new day
It's a brand new day.
I'm going to lift my voice and sing
I'm going to let my praises ring,
Cause I'm still here.
I'm still here
To celebrate.
Lift my hands and celebrate.
Cause it's a brand new day.
I'm alive.
Thank God I'm alive.
He didn't have to open my eyes.
He didn't have to let me rise
Gonna praise my way through
Before the day is through,
I'm going to count my blessings one by one.
No matter what comes my way
I'm going to praise him anyway.
Gonna lift my voice and sing.
Gonna let my praises ring.
Cause it's a brand new day.
It's a brand new day.
Someday I may not rise.
I may not open my eyes
But until that day comes,
I'm going to begin each one
Giving thanks
Cause I'm alive
Thank God I'm alive.
It's a brand new day.
Thank God for a brand new day.

Copyright Patricia Newman-Harris 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

I Just Want to Say Thank You

Lord, too many times I come to you
Crying, Lord, what can you do?
Day after day I make requests 
Forgetting how you have blessed me thus far.
And how faithful you are.
I have so much to be thankful for
But I never stop asking for more.
This Thanksgiving, I have no requests or petitions
Just a humble rendition
My praise to impart
With all the reverence in my heart
I just want to kneel in that secret place
And seek your face
I want to give you the praise and honor that you’re due.
Lord, I just want to say thank you.
Thank you for all the days you've allowed me to see
It didn't have to be
Thank you for the hand of mercy
That has kept me safe
Thank you for the awesome grace
That has brought me to this day,
And gives me the strength to face each new day
I don’t want to sit on your mercy seat
I just want to kneel at your feet
With a praise that is fresh and new
Lord, I just want to say thank you.
I don’t want to ask for more.
I have so much to be thankful for.
Today, I have no requests or petitions
Just a humble rendition
Of praise to impart
The reverence in my heart
Lord I want to give all praise to you,
I just want to say, thank you.

Copyright 2011 P. Newman-Harris

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Giving thanks

Things to be thankful for

As a nation, we are blessed to have freedom of choice.
Let us be thankful for the blessing of freedom,
and remember those who continue to live in oppression.

In Foreign Lands

Lord, I’m praying for the coming of day
In foreign lands far away.
People are dying every day.
Gone, like ashes scattered in the wind
Never to be seen again
To us, they are people without face or name,
But they are people just the same.
Each one a part of the human race,
Regardless of the color of the face.
Help us to open our bowels of mercy.
Enable us to see
What we have not allowed ourselves to see.
Children alone
Without family or home
Never having an opportunity
To be a child, young and free
Loved ones gone without a trace
Babies left to carry on in their place
For them the surrounding darkness overshadows the light
They have no reason to believe there is hope in sight
May we be their beacon of hope on a darkened horizon,
A rising sun where there was never one
Father, remove the pain of disgrace
From a disease with no regard for person or place
May we no longer pretend that we do not see
People living in agony
May we be there to relieve their fears and dry their tears.
Help them to see past the trying years.
Erase their sorrows,
And bring a rainbow of hope for tomorrow
Help us to be a willing hand to hold
In a world that is hard and cold.
All they need is a chance
To invite life to dance
Without our help their lives will end
Let us be their opportunity to begin
Lord, I’m praying for the coming of day
In foreign lands far away
Young and old are dying everyday
Though they be people without face or name
They are people just the same
Each one a part of the human race
Regardless of the color of the face.

copyright 2010, Matters of the Heart, Patricia Newman-Harris

Friday, November 7, 2014

Veteran's Day Prayer

Today we honor those who willingly paid the price and
made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live in peace.
May we, as survivors and benefactors of their sacrifice, honor them
by doing our part to make the dream of peace one day become reality.

Until we learn to live as one, we will continue to bury our young.
No matter where we are from, we all have the same needs.  We all feel
the pain of loss when someone we love dies.  We must come to realize
that it is a needless burden to bear.  When we think of the wasted years, the suffering,
the pain, the tears, the lives lost in the name of peace, we will realize that war has come
at a great cost.

Lord, every day I pray
Bless the soldiers far away.
Bless the young man who left his first love behind
Give him peace of mind
Bless the Father who left his family alone.
Keep them safe while he is gone
Lord, bless each and every one.
Let them know we appreciate all they have done.
Walk with those who have no one
I pray for each and every one.
Be their Father and their Mother
With you as their guide, they don't need another.
Keep them close to your heart I pray
Be with them every step of the way.
God, bless the young man who is barely twenty-two.
Let him know he can make it through.
Ease his fears
Dry his falling tears.
Lord bless the soldiers while they are away.
When their spirits are low, let them feel your touch.
Let them know we love them so much.
Then, Lord we pray that the fighting will soon cease
And that there will be an outpouring of peace
Open the door to each and every heart
So that the healing will start
Lord we commit our soliders to your care
This is our prayer
Lord, bless the soldiers while they are away.
Be with them each and every day.