Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Let Your Heart Follow the Star

Let Your Heart Follow that Star

One night,
One star shining bright
Showed the way
To the manger where he lay.
That star shines bright today.
Lighting the way.
When you are feeling lost,
Let your heart follow that star
And he will be where you are.
He knows exactly where you are.
He sees you in that cold prison cell.
He knows your story well.
He doesn’t care
How you got there.
He loves you just as you are.
Just let your heart follow, follow,
Follow that star,
And he will be where you are.
To those spending Christmas alone.
If you make your heart his home,
You will never be alone.
Young mother, don’t despair.
Your heart will soon repair.
He knows you are feeling broken and unloved,
But his signature is love.
If you let him sign his name on your heart,
He will never ever part.
His love for us goes beyond Christmas Day.
It is ours to have and hold
Each and every day.
You don’t have to worry about being played.
He will never break the vow he made.
Young soldier stationed far from home.
No matter how far you roam,
You are never too far from home.
I hope you know
He will follow you wherever you go.
When you are out on a deserted hill,
He is with you still.
Always remember,
When you lose your way,
One star
Shining bright
Will show you the way.
To that pilot who can’t see where to fly
On the darkest night,
His star will brighten the sky
Just let your heart follow, follow,
Follow, that star
And he will be wherever you are.
He will show you the way.
This Christmas day,
No matter what you are going through,
He will be there for you.
If you believe.
Believe and let your heart follow,
Follow, follow,
Follow that star
He will be where ever you are.

2014 Patricia Newman-Harris

Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Christmas Gift

As a child, I thought of foolish things.
I wanted a new doll every Christmas,
I never once thought of how much it would cost
Or whether my parents had the money at all
I never knew how difficult the task proved to be
When things magically appeared under the tree.
Somehow, they managed to fulfill most of our requests.
I remember the lighted Christmas trees,
The gifts and toys strewn underneath
I never wondered if they might not be
I never had a doubt.
My parents always worked it out.
Not to imply we had a lot
They worked hard for everything we got.
Now that I’m grown, I see things differently.
I know what is important and what is not.
I have learned to be grateful for everything.
I still enjoy the lights and festivities of the season,
But it’s not what matters most.
Most of the toys and gifts we received
Somehow got lost with time.
Some were outgrown, others given away.
In some sense, they were never really mine.
I enjoyed them for a brief period of time.
The gift we received that mattered most,
Is the precious memories we made as a family.
This is what I will always treasure
It is a gift that is beyond measure.
As a child I thought of foolish things,
But now I know the value of the gift
We received every day of the year.
It wasn’t something you put in a box with a bow
It couldn't be placed under the Christmas tree
It was a gift that will last forever
One that will be with our family always
It can never be taken away
It will never lose its sparkle or shine
It will be ours until the end of time.
That is the  never-ending gift of love

Copyright 2011 P. Newman-Harris

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Happy Holidays...He's There

Wishing everyone who has listened to what I have shared through the written word, a very special holiday season.    I hope this year that I, in some way, have offered inspiration where it was need. I hope thoughts were provoked and lives were changed.  I am not a preacher or a teacher, just someone who wishes to inspire by sharing my thoughts.  I am far from perfect, and a lot of what I write also helps me to continue striving for that mark.  For me, writing  heals the wounds that life inflicts.  I hope and pray it does the same for you.

I finally completed my book, Living the Dream, and it is now available on Amazon.

He is There

At Christmas time,
it is easy to become disheartened
by circumstance,
A broken romance,
The loss of house and home,
Feeling lonely and alone
Or being far away
From family and friends
on Christmas day.
But no matter where we are,
or what we have to endure,
Our faith in him is secure.
Wherever we are, he is there.
We can feel his presence surrounding us
On a lonely highway or deserted hill.
In the quiet and still,
We can hear him whispering
I am here.
The spirit of Christmas resides in the heart
of every man, woman, boy and girl,
All around the world.
Christmas is not about where we are or how we feel
It's not about a place.
He never stops showering us with his amazing grace.
His joy abounds
All around.
So, when you feel yourself becoming
sad and disheartened,
Remember this,
At the center of the Christmas season is a Savior
Who doesn't need a Christmas list
To grant our every wish.
He has already given us the greatest gift anyone can give.
In him, we live,
breathe and have our being.
Without him, Christmas would have no meaning.
If we call him, he will answer,
wherever we are,
Near or far;
From the hospital bed,
From the desert of Iraq,
from the homeless shelter,
On skid row,
From a cold dark jail cell,
Or from the make shift home under the freeway.
His love and mercy will never go away.
He is everywhere.
Wherever you are, he is there.

Copyright P. Newman Harris

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Everday is a Day of Thanksgiving ---It's a Brand New Day!

It's a brand new day
No matter what comes my way.
I'm going to praise him anyway.
Cause it's a brand new day
It's a brand new day.
I'm going to lift my voice and sing
I'm going to let my praises ring,
Cause I'm still here.
I'm still here
To celebrate.
Lift my hands and celebrate.
Cause it's a brand new day.
I'm alive.
Thank God I'm alive.
He didn't have to open my eyes.
He didn't have to let me rise
Gonna praise my way through
Before the day is through,
I'm going to count my blessings one by one.
No matter what comes my way
I'm going to praise him anyway.
Gonna lift my voice and sing.
Gonna let my praises ring.
Cause it's a brand new day.
It's a brand new day.
Someday I may not rise.
I may not open my eyes
But until that day comes,
I'm going to begin each one
Giving thanks
Cause I'm alive
Thank God I'm alive.
It's a brand new day.
Thank God for a brand new day.

Copyright Patricia Newman-Harris 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

I Just Want to Say Thank You

Lord, too many times I come to you
Crying, Lord, what can you do?
Day after day I make requests 
Forgetting how you have blessed me thus far.
And how faithful you are.
I have so much to be thankful for
But I never stop asking for more.
This Thanksgiving, I have no requests or petitions
Just a humble rendition
My praise to impart
With all the reverence in my heart
I just want to kneel in that secret place
And seek your face
I want to give you the praise and honor that you’re due.
Lord, I just want to say thank you.
Thank you for all the days you've allowed me to see
It didn't have to be
Thank you for the hand of mercy
That has kept me safe
Thank you for the awesome grace
That has brought me to this day,
And gives me the strength to face each new day
I don’t want to sit on your mercy seat
I just want to kneel at your feet
With a praise that is fresh and new
Lord, I just want to say thank you.
I don’t want to ask for more.
I have so much to be thankful for.
Today, I have no requests or petitions
Just a humble rendition
Of praise to impart
The reverence in my heart
Lord I want to give all praise to you,
I just want to say, thank you.

Copyright 2011 P. Newman-Harris

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Giving thanks

Things to be thankful for

As a nation, we are blessed to have freedom of choice.
Let us be thankful for the blessing of freedom,
and remember those who continue to live in oppression.

In Foreign Lands

Lord, I’m praying for the coming of day
In foreign lands far away.
People are dying every day.
Gone, like ashes scattered in the wind
Never to be seen again
To us, they are people without face or name,
But they are people just the same.
Each one a part of the human race,
Regardless of the color of the face.
Help us to open our bowels of mercy.
Enable us to see
What we have not allowed ourselves to see.
Children alone
Without family or home
Never having an opportunity
To be a child, young and free
Loved ones gone without a trace
Babies left to carry on in their place
For them the surrounding darkness overshadows the light
They have no reason to believe there is hope in sight
May we be their beacon of hope on a darkened horizon,
A rising sun where there was never one
Father, remove the pain of disgrace
From a disease with no regard for person or place
May we no longer pretend that we do not see
People living in agony
May we be there to relieve their fears and dry their tears.
Help them to see past the trying years.
Erase their sorrows,
And bring a rainbow of hope for tomorrow
Help us to be a willing hand to hold
In a world that is hard and cold.
All they need is a chance
To invite life to dance
Without our help their lives will end
Let us be their opportunity to begin
Lord, I’m praying for the coming of day
In foreign lands far away
Young and old are dying everyday
Though they be people without face or name
They are people just the same
Each one a part of the human race
Regardless of the color of the face.

copyright 2010, Matters of the Heart, Patricia Newman-Harris

Friday, November 7, 2014

Veteran's Day Prayer

Today we honor those who willingly paid the price and
made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live in peace.
May we, as survivors and benefactors of their sacrifice, honor them
by doing our part to make the dream of peace one day become reality.

Until we learn to live as one, we will continue to bury our young.
No matter where we are from, we all have the same needs.  We all feel
the pain of loss when someone we love dies.  We must come to realize
that it is a needless burden to bear.  When we think of the wasted years, the suffering,
the pain, the tears, the lives lost in the name of peace, we will realize that war has come
at a great cost.

Lord, every day I pray
Bless the soldiers far away.
Bless the young man who left his first love behind
Give him peace of mind
Bless the Father who left his family alone.
Keep them safe while he is gone
Lord, bless each and every one.
Let them know we appreciate all they have done.
Walk with those who have no one
I pray for each and every one.
Be their Father and their Mother
With you as their guide, they don't need another.
Keep them close to your heart I pray
Be with them every step of the way.
God, bless the young man who is barely twenty-two.
Let him know he can make it through.
Ease his fears
Dry his falling tears.
Lord bless the soldiers while they are away.
When their spirits are low, let them feel your touch.
Let them know we love them so much.
Then, Lord we pray that the fighting will soon cease
And that there will be an outpouring of peace
Open the door to each and every heart
So that the healing will start
Lord we commit our soliders to your care
This is our prayer
Lord, bless the soldiers while they are away.
Be with them each and every day.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Korie's Birthday...


This poem is written by my niece Korie


In honor of your birthday I am featuring you as Visiting Poet..

Wishing you many more beautiful birthdays and God's manifold blessings on your life
and your gifts.

Video of Korie dancing

The Dance In Me

When I dance I know it is only God
            And Me,
Because when I dance my spirit
            Feels free.
When I dance I will not hold
Anything back!
I surely will not let any one’s opinion
Throw me off track.
I dance because of all that He has
            Brought me through.
It is not because I don’t have
            Anything else to do.
I will move and jump to show
All that is within.
My actions will speak
Louder than my words.
And you know that I am
            Dancing for Him.
I am grateful to prove what I will
            Do for the Lord
He has been knocking and
And I have found a way
            To open my door.
I am glad
You are listening
Because now
 I have a chance
To tell you so you are not confused.
This is a PRAISE dance!

Copyrright By Korie Elise Smith

Scriptural Inspiration
Exodus 15:1-2
The Lord is my strength, my song and
My salvation.
He is my God and I will praise
He is my father’s
I will exalt

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Who's Going to Save Me?

When I look at children growing up today, I wonder what questions must be going through their minds?  How do they feel watching our country sweat the small stuff while things fall down around our ears?  This is what inspired this poem.

Mama Won’t You Tell Me
©2011 by P. Newman-Harris

Mama won’t you tell me
How can I make it through the day?
How can I have fun
How can I play
When little children are being blown away?
In a world that is morally sick
How do I not end up a statistic?
How do I stay encouraged when I’m expected to fail?
How can I stay out of jail?
How can I learn to be a man
When there is no one there to take my hand
And no one to understand?
They tell me to stand on my own two feet,
But how can I stay clean living on a crime infested street?
I don’t know how long I can stay on the right path.
I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last.
What do I do when there are no jobs and no way
To make a decent pay?
You may think I’m too young to know,
But Mama I want to know
How can I be all I can be
When the decks are stacked against me?
I appreciate your sacrifices.
I really want to make something of my life
But how do I keep trying
When inside I’m dying
A little every day?
How can I make my fears go away?
How can I plan for tomorrow
When I don’t’ know if I’ll make it through the day?
Mama won’t you tell me
Who is going to save me?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dream Trilogy (You Can Live Your Dreams, Believe, You Can Fly)

The Dream Trilogy consists of three poems I wrote combined (see titles above)
Little boy someone else’s failures don’t have to belong to you
Little girl you can make your dreams come true
I know at times life makes you want to scream
But don’t give up on your dreams
It’s not true what they say
Things don’t have to turn out the same way
So your Mother got pregnant at 16
You don’t have to repeat that scene
You can do whatever you want to do
It’s all up to you
Little boy growing up in the hood
You don’t have to grow up angry and misunderstood
I know your Daddy spent most of his years in jail,
But that doesn’t mean you have to fail
The same thing doesn’t have to happen to you.
You can see your dreams through
Don’t let people mess with you head
There may be rough times ahead,
But don’t give in to anger and remorse
You can make it if you stay the course
People will tell you that you can’t make your dreams come true
Don’t let anyone stop you
People will try to make you feel like you have no worth
Remember, they did not put you here on this earth
Nor can they formulate your life’s plan
Your future is in God’s hands
If your friends want to hold you back
Start walking and don’t look back
You can have a future that is bright
But you have to be willing to make the sacrifice
Little girl failure is not a fact
You don’t have to end up making a living on your back
Little boy you don’t have to waste your life selling crack
You don’t have to end up like that
Just set you mind on the good
You can survive the hood
Someone else’s failures don’t have to belong to you
You can live your dreams
You can make them all come true
If you never stop believing in you
No matter what you see,
Believe that the impossible can be.
Come what may believe,
And the unimaginable will be yours to receive.
When you allow God to lead and direct your path,
Your dreams will someday come to pass.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
And the key to miracles yet in store.
It is that unreachable dream.
It is the evidence of things unseen.
No matter what you see,
Believe the impossible can be.
You can make it through the rain,
You can navigate the vast terrain.
You can move that mountain,
You can conquer that unconquerable sin.
If you trust God,
You can do anything against all odds.
Stand on his word.
Believe your prayers have been heard.
If against hope you still believe,
The unthinkable will be yours to receive.
Your dreams can come true
It’s all up to you
Your faith will enable you to prevail
You will not fail
Your every dream can be a reality
When you believe that the impossible can be
You can fly
You can fly
As far as the sky is wide
You can fly
When you try
He will be the wind beneath your wings
Through him you can do all things
You have everything you need inside
Your dreams can come true
It’s all up to you
You can fly
You can fly
If you try,
You can fly
As far as the sky is wide
You can fly

copyright, 2014, Living the Dream, a collection of poetry

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

In Memory of those lost on 9/11

To all the families that suffered loss we pause with a nation.  
We can only pray that such a tremendous loss of human souls has not been in vain;
That in spite of the preponderance of hatred in the world, somehow, someway, someday an abiding love will prevail...That someday the clouds of hate will roll away...we will forget the hurts of our past and at last.  Oh what a day it will be, Oh what a day it will be for you and me!

Oh What a Day It Will Be

Someday, the clouds of hate will roll away.
We will forget the hurts of our past
And be free at last.
There’ll be no suffering for anyone.
No guns,
No more wars to fight.
We will walk in the light.
One day, sunny and fair,
We will get there.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be
For you and me.
All confusion, doubt, and suspicions
Based on race will be erased.
We will put our differences aside
And walk with pride.
By and by,
When the morning comes,
We will live as one.
Darkness will no longer be our fate.
We will break all barriers of hate.
Not far away,
The flags  of peace will begin to fly.
There will be no more tears to cry.
Can you feel it in the air?
We’re almost there.
The clouds of hate will roll away.
We will forget the hurts of our past.                                   
And be free at last.
Love will rain
From every hillside and plain.
One day, sunny and fair.
We will get there.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be
For you and me.
There will be no suffering for anyone,
No guns,
No wars to fight.
We will finally get it right.
There will be no rivers of sorrow to sail.
Peace will prevail.
By and by, when the morning comes,
We will live as one.
Darkness will no longer be our fate.
There will be no barriers of hate
Can you feel it in the air?
We’re almost there.
Someday, by and by,
The flags of peace will begin to fly
The faith of those who love and care
Will see us there.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be.
For you and me.

From collection of poems entitled Living the Dream
copyright 2014 Patricia Newman-Harris

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

We Sorrow with You

I just want to take a moment to offer a word of comfort to the Brown family and to all of those families who have lost a loving family member needlessly and tragically.

There is not much that can be said at this time.  Just know that you are not alone in your sorrow.    To you I offer these words:

I wish I could say the hurt will go away
I wish I could say I understand what you are going through,
I wish I could say this will be the last time you have to feel this way.
There is so much I wish I could say.
Truth is there is nothing I can say to make the hurt go away
It hurts me to know that you sorrow
It hurts me to know you feel pain.
Time alone will give you some semblance of relief
                                 And smooth the agony of your grief.   
It is not to say sometimes you won’t sorrow or weep,
But one day you will be able to look back on your time together without unbearable pain.
Until then, take comfort in knowing that every memory and every smile was not only a gift
 but a timeless treasure that goes beyond measure.

 Having lost a mother and a father this year, I know your pain.
I wrote this poem in October 2012 after my Mother passed away.  It is still like yesterday to me.


Sometimes I pray I’m having a dream
And just don’t understand what it means
It already feels like forever since you departed.
I am so broken-hearted.
I keep reaching for the phone to call you
Like I used to do
Then I remember once again
You just can’t imagine how hard it has been.
I’ll never hear your voice or feel your touch.
I miss you so much.
The quiet peacefulness that was yours alone
It’s just gone.
The words of comfort I shared with others before
Don’t mean anything anymore.
Nothing can change the reality
You will still be-
They says things will get better with time
Those words were even mine
Nothing prepares you for this
It’s different when it’s someone you love that you miss
It’s hard to believe you will never see their smile or feel their kiss
You’ll never be able to share the little things you used to share
Cause they’re not there.
I knew how hard this would be
But it’s harder than I ever thought it would be
They say time alone will heal a heart that is shattered
But right now time doesn’t matter.
Today, tomorrow, next week
There is no comfort I can seek
Words, are just words
When you’re all alone
And someone you love has just gone.
I know you’re in a better place,
But I still want to see your face.
I know you wouldn’t want to return,
But for you, I still yearn.
I feel no disgrace
For telling you I’m in this place.
When it’ someone you love, you’ll understand.
I pray one day I can
Right now, this is my reality
When I wake up tomorrow, I’ll still feel the same
Nothing will take away the heartache or the pain
That comes with missing you
There is nothing I can do
Nothing can change the reality
You’ll still be-

Lord open the windows of heaven flood our souls
With words of comfort yet untold
We need your spirit to fall fresh on us
Giving the comfort only you can give
Each day we live

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Family Reunion-We are Family


When it comes to family reunions,
Everyone has a story to tell.
Even if things don’t go well,
Everyone has a memory to treasure,
What matters most is the time spent together.
No matter the family name
Every reunion seems the same.
There’s always a favorite Grandpa,
Or Grandma,
A favorite Aunt or Uncle,
Who keeps the family going.
Without knowing,
They are the family glue
That cements the memories
everyone holds onto.
If we keep living,
There are some things that are a given
One day, we will be gathering
in our favorite park under a tree
Trying to see what we can see,
Checking out everyone that comes within sight,
To see if their pants are too tight
Or their skirt is too short.
There is always the gathering of the family court.
The women gather to discuss
who has gained weight since last year
While the men go where the women can’t hear,
Grab a brew and discuss who is doing who.
It’s almost like a competition.
The one you least expect makes an admission.
Of all people, Uncle George, says he’s been creepin
While Aunt Mamie is sleepin.
Everybody looks at him and rolls their eyes
Cause they know he ain’t doing nothing but talking lies.
You see, it don’t take a wizard
To determine that Aunt Mamie is, as Grandma would say,
Crazier that a road lizard.
Besides, Uncle George just ain’t going out that way.
He knows from experience that Aunt Mamie don't play.
Every family has a Madea.
To box the children’s ears
And keep everyone else in place.
There is always the family disgrace.
You know, the person who gets drunk and throws up all over the place.
Inevitably, somebody makes a liquor run and disappears
Only to reappear
Like magic, just before everyone says their last goodbyes.
Nobody bothers anymore to wonder why.
What would a reunion be without a little excitement?
It seems as if someone is hell bent
On causing a fight.
It doesn’t matter, because this time next year nobody remembers that night.
Well, they might remember,
But come September,
They are already making plans for the next reunion.
After all who wants to miss the family reunion?
When it’s all said and done, we are and always will be, family.
We will always forget our differences and sing, “We are family
I got all my people with me.”
We are family!

copyright Patricia Newman-Harris

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Craziness....It's time to stop the craziness...Time to opt for something bigger.

This doesn't have to happen to you!


I am tired of the craziness
Tired of seeing our children being laid to rest.
It’s time to stop killing one another.
Who cares about a color?
It has nothing to do with  our freedom
Or how far we have come.
Red or blue,
Those colors don’t define you.
Take time to think about the things you doing.
It effects more than you.
I get angry with every new death.
If you keep this up, no one will be left.
No one is safe in the hood,
Because you’re always up to no good.
The path you are taking will win you no accolades.
Any notoriety you feel you have will soon fade.
You may be on top,
Big man on the block,
But there is always someone hiding in the shadows.
That’s the way it goes.
Someone waiting to retaliate.
It’s an unnecessary form of hate.
You may love the gangsta lifestyle,
Doing nothing worthwhile,
All the time bangin,
But correct me if I’m wrong.
Gangsta’s  don’t live that long.
How many OG’s do you know that came out alive?
Do you call life without parole being alive?
Truth is my brother, more sooner than later,
You will die
If you never considered this, you are a lie.
You see, your luck can only last so long.
Most of it is already gone.
How long do you think people are going to
Suffer your wrath?
You are on a deadly path
If you're ready to blow your mind,
You may as well walk a field of mines.
Get over with right away.
All I’m saying is, one way or another, you will pay.
I can’t understand why you want to fail?
No one in his right mind wants to go in and out
of jail.
Yet, you continue to do things that will land you
Behind bars.
You ought to be tired of the battle scars.
When will you get enough?
Life wasn’t meant to be that rough.
I want you to be man enough to stand proud;
Away from the crowd
Never being afraid to be all you can be.
Another failure?
No , you don’t have to be
A statistic?
I don’t think so.
You’ve got to know
You control your own destiny.
What others say about you is not your reality.
You don’t have to bang.
It ain’t no thang.
You can change your ways before it’s too  late.
The choice is yours to make.
If it’s the gangsta life you crave,
You will end up in an early grave.
Our ancestors died so you would be free.
It’s time you lived like you are free.
It breaks my heart to see you going the wrong way.
I couldn’t just sit back and watch you throw
Your life away.
I’m just tired,
Tired of seeing our children being laid to rest.
Tired, of the craziness!

From Living the Dream
copyright 2013, Patricia Newman-Harris

Monday, June 30, 2014

Happy Independence Day-- One Day

Someday, the clouds of hate will roll away.
We will forget the hurts of our past
And be free at last.
There’ll be no suffering for anyone
No guns,
No wars to fight.
We will walk in the light
One day sunny and fair,
We will get there.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be
For you and me.
All confusion, doubt,  and suspicions
Based on race will finally be erased.
We will put our differences aside
And walk with pride.
By and by,
When the morning comes,
We will live as one
Darkness will no longer be our fate.
We will break the barriers of hate
Not far away,
The flags  of peace will fly
There will be no tears to cry.
Can you feel it in the air?
We’re almost there.
The clouds of hate will roll away.
We will forget the hurts of our past.                                    
And be free at last.
Love will rain
From every hillside and plain.
One day sunny and fair.
We will get there.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be
For you and me.
There will be no suffering for anyone
No guns,
Or wars to fight.
We will finally get it right.
There will be no rivers of sorrow to sail.
Peace will prevail.
By and by, when the morning comes,
We will live as one
Darkness will no longer be our fate.
There will be no barriers of hate
Can you feel it in the air?
We’re almost there.
Someday, by and by,
The flags of peace will begin to fly
The faith of those who love and care
Will see us there.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be.
Oh what a day it will be.
For you and me.

copyright Patricia Newman-Harris
2013 Living the Dream

No matter where we live in the world,
no matter the color of our skin or our station,
Our pain makes us all the same.
Pain knows no name,
no station no place.
When someone we love dies,
we all cry.
There is no gain when the blood of our brother
flows at our feet,
There is no winner
There is only defeat.