I'm Just Saying


America does not have to become a nation of haters.  Hate will destroy this nation.  The ball is in our court.  We can choose to love or choose to hate.  Hate blinds us to reason.  The hater cannot understand, nor can he relate when someone tries to educate him on things like humanity and unity.  He is unable to recognize good or brotherhood, because he only plays one channel 24/7 in his mind.  There is only one thing a hater can do effectively, that is hate.  I'm just saying

If you meet me, in person, I am very quiet.   Never have been a person of many words.  I much prefer expressing myself in writing.  Seems that face to face, I always leave something unsaid.  I am that the person who later thinks about the conversation and says, "I should have said."  So, I am creating this page and entitling it I'm Just Saying so I can say what I have to say without leaving things out.  Then, even if I leave something out, I can go back and add it later.

So, I'm Just Saying:

In the midst of present circumstances, we can still have hope that justice will prevail.
Those who are intent on tearing this nation apart on the promise of "Making America great again,"
must know that no matter how hard they try, they cannot steal the dream.  They can rip the us apart, but they can't steal the desire that burns in our hearts.  They can pull this country apart but the thread that seams this nation together is etched strong within the hearts of those who truly love and care about our future as a nation.  Democrat or Republican, no matter what party, we can stand on the very foundation on which this nation was built, knowing that what makes us great is more than what we possess, more than who we think we are as individuals.  Without our foundation, the stars and the stripes we profess to represent are meaningless.  When the last bell is rung, if we can't live as one, everything great men sacrificed to achieve will be as dung.  My question is this.  In a battle where we all stand to lose, who determines who won?  Certainly won't be the last man standing, because when one of us loses, we all lose.  If the ship of this nation sinks, we all sink.   I truly believe that whenever our brother's blood flows at our feet, the only outcome is defeat.  I'm just saying.

Some people will never accept truth in any form.  It is as if their brain is rationed.
When confronted with facts, they respond with lies and twisted realities.  The truth of the
matter is, they would not see truth if it came up and bit them in the butt.  I'm just saying.
There is a debate I hear quite often as to whether we all can be considered kin.  I feel that  in the grand scheme of things, we are all kin.  I don't have to know your story to celebrate your glories.  I don't have to know your beginning to celebrate your end.  Life and death connects us all in ways we cannot defy.  We are all born and one day, we will all die.

If you are suffering from what I call the, "bad boy syndrome", always falling for the wrong man, it's going to cost in the end.  Bad boys aren't called "bad" for nothing.  They are known to leave their victims scarred and battered, "in the name of love".  I've sampled a few myself.  So, it is, I'd like to possibly spare a few catastrophes by talking this thing out. 

I remember when I was growing up, people used to say there's "Plenty of fish in the sea."implying that you have many people to choose from.  So, why are we hung up on that wrong one like he is our only option.  More importantly why are we choosing a shark over the friendlier fish in the sea?
In all reality, if we go to the beach and there is a sign posted indicating sharks are swimming very close to shore, would we ignore the warning and jump in?  Logically, we wouldn't risk it.  Usually, we get a warning that we are dealing with a "bad boy."  Why do we, instead of heeding the warning, continue to go full steam ahead?  We need to be just as cautious in choosing our relationships as we would be if we had a warning of sharks being present in the ocean where we were planning to take a swim.
