Monday, July 18, 2016

The Message

I heard a message so clear
it was like God had placed his lips to my ear.
Why is it so hard for us to comprehend
the message that has burned the heart of men?
Diana said we could make the world a better place
if we reached out and touched somebody's hand.
Still, we did not understand.
Michael's message in Man in the Mirror
could not have been any clearer.
You have to start with yourself
Before you can love someone else.
People all over the world sang,
We can make the world a better place
just you and me.
Still, we did not  see.
We do not need an "a ha moment"
to understand why these messages were sent.
Man has tried to succeed in every arena.
He has tried to make the air cleaner.
He has delved the depths of the sea,
And made the seemingly impossible come to be.
He has soared into outer space,
but he cannot resolve the issue of race.
The lack of trust continues to separate us
What good is it to have intelligence of mind
and still remain blind?
How many more years will go by before we realize
what is right before our eyes?
As I pen these words,
I am only repeating what I heard.
These words are not mine.
God simply wanted me to let you know.
We are running out of time.

copyright 2010, Matters of the Heart, Patricia Newman-Harris