Monday, September 28, 2015

What is My Name?--Part Two of Only Love Series

I raised my head long ago
I’ve taken the life of people you well-know.
Great men have died at my hands,
Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy,
Medgar Evers, Martin Luther King,
And Malcolm X.
You could be next.
One of my greatest kills
Was Emmett Till.
I travel the world over looking for a friend.
I enjoy watching innocent lives come to an end.
I create anger, frustration, division and schism.
My greatest accomplishment is racism.
I’ve started wars in every nation, country and land.
If it’s confusion you want, I’m your man.
No one is safe as long as I’m allowed to flourish.
I’ve never been malnourished.
I eat well everyday.
If you keep feeding me,
Your children will continue to be blown away;
There will be more and more Timothy McVeys.
Innocent lives will be lost.
You will pay the cost.
Children and babies have been taken in my name.
I have no shame.
Death is my game.
Hate is my name!

Copyright 2015 Patricia Newman Harris