Monday, November 12, 2018

Appreciating the Sacrifice (continued)

This morning I was listening to a radio program and heard a Veteran say that he did not understand when people said to him, "Thank you for your service."  He explained why, and I had never thought of things the way he saw it.   I think for so many young men who did not sign up for the job of being a soldier, hearing someone say, "Thank you for your service" might be confusing.   No matter what your reason for serving, it is and was a great sacrifice.   I still say we appreciate your service and we thank you for honoring the commitment.   You didn't have to do it, but you did.  Out of fear, you could have turned and ran away, but you stayed and served.    If not for your service, there would be no need for celebrating.  Every right we have earned has come at the expense of someone else.  Someone had conviction enough to sacrifice their life for you and me.  We not only owe them our gratitude, but we also owe them our respect.    As Americans, the best way to do that is by endeavoring to protect the freedoms so many died to preserve.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Appreciating the Sacrifice

As a country, we have been blessed.  Through the sacrifices of those who have served
we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.  In these troubling times, it is even more important that we realize the significance of those who sacrificed.  It is their sacrifice and their conviction to our country that we honor.  As Americans, it is something we should always appreciate and never take for granted.    Because of them, we can live the life we live today.  Without them, there would be nothing to celebrate, no spacious skies or purple mountains majesty to enjoy.  To our Veteran's still serving and to those who gave their lives, not just on Veteran's Day, but every day, we honor you and thank you for your service. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Thanksgiving...Something to be Thankful For

There are so many things we have to be thankful for.
In these hard times, I know we can be hard-pressed
to find those things.  Today, when I woke up, I
was just thankful that I did wake up.  So many
people did not.  Just looking at the basic needs,
I am blessed.  I have a place to stay, food to eat
and family and friends who care.  Some people
don't have these things.  They woke up this morning
in a makeshift home beside the freeway.  They
were cold, hungry and without any place to go.
This is their daily reality.  I might be hungry for
a while, but my next meal is as far away as my kitchen.
Theirs may only come if they can find a place that is
handing out food, or, if and when, a well-doer passes by
and gives them a helping hand.

November is the month of Thanksgiving.
In spite of all the things that are meant to discourage us on
a daily basis, as a country, we are very blessed.
Let us be mindful of our many blessings.  Count them
one by one, and you will find you have a lot to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving.