Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Gift

There is a gift that is yours for free
It is ours for eternity.
It comforts the wounded and heals the
brokenhearted.  It removes boundaries
and causes walls to fall.
It's not something you have to buy or win.
It forms marriages that never end.
It is stronger than any glue you can find.
It endures a life time.
It carries us from trials and tragedies
to marvelous victories.
It brings hope to the hopeless.
In times of despair it continues to bless.
When our knees get weak,
It helps us to stay on our feet.
It teaches those who have received no mercy
to embrace their enemies with grace and mercy.
It circumvents station, reaching down from
the highest of places.
It enables us to grow,
and teaches us all we need to know.
It is the answer to every question;
the solution to every problem.
If we accept the gift,
we can unlock the doors to the universe.
All of our problems can be reversed.
Can't you see?
We already have the key
The answers we seek are easy to find
They have been written across the pages of time
in verse and line.
It is the writer's story and the poet's rhyme.
Do you hear the universe speaking?
There is no problem you can't solve.
There is no big mystery here
Listen and you will hear
The universe speaking
I have all you are seeking.
I have the answer
I have the key
It goes back to the beginning,
back to the eve of our Savior's birth.
Think of the gift he brought for you and me.
When will you see?
You have the key
Listen and you will hear him speaking
I am the answer
I am the key
Accept my gift
and I will set you free.

P. Newman-Harris
copyright 2017