Monday, December 11, 2017

Honor Among Men

It is uncanny how you can write something in the past and find that it is still relevant.
I don't remember when I wrote this.  I know it was sometime prior to the election of President Obama.    I feel it is even more relevant today.          

When I think of this country’s history
I think of words like honesty, loyalty and integrity.
Our forefather’s stood on a declaration and decree
That no man should be denied the inalienable right to be free.
Because of their integrity, they set about abolishing slavery.
That was only the beginning for our country.
Our word carried great value among men,
But that was then.
Somewhere, somehow, something happened to us.
Our word is no longer our bond and our trust.
There is no honor among men
Who continually lie and pretend.
There’s more than a blemish on this country’s face.
In many parts of the world, we have become a disgrace.
We have lost the reverence and respect great men died to achieve.
Because they believed in the integrity
Of this great country,
They were willing to die for country and state.
That’s what made them great.
America has all but burned the bridges that were once built.
There is no shame or guilt.
I love my country, but I can see it’s faults
as clearly as if I were looking through glass.
It hurts to see us losing ground so fast.
When there is no honor between us,
Who can we trust?
What do you do when there is no loyalty?
Where do you go when there is no integrity
In your own home?
When respect is gone,
Each man stands alone.
When there is a loss of respect,
Everyone becomes suspect.
In the history of this land
There was once a pride that came with being called an American.
How can we get back to that place if we can’t trust, honor and respect
Those we elect?
We need someone we can look to with pride as our leader and our guide.
One whose word is his bond and his trust
Or God help us