Monday, January 18, 2016

Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr...It is Not Over

Martin, when I think of you,
I think of how you courageously stood tall
Fighting for us all.
Your ability to envision the world as it should be
reshaped our history.
You placed yourself in harms way
So we could enjoy the freedoms we have today.
We are thankful for your faith, your conviction,
and your continued belief that one day, we'd be free
Free, from the chains of adversity.
While we have come a long a way,
it is evident that, for some, the struggle
for freedom is never done.
It will never be over until we learn to live as one.
It will never be over if one man's dream is shattered.
It will never be over as long as we have need to remind
our country that black lives matter.
It will never be over until we, as a nation,
can lift the rug of injustice and sweep away
the dirt that has remained hidden for years.
It will never be over as long as we hesitate to
acknowledge our doubts and our fears.
It will never be over as long as we allow
a President to be blatantly disrespected to his face.
It will never be over as long as one American feels displaced.
It will never be over as long as one man's dream is deferred
by boundaries another has imposed, and the doors of opportunity
are systematically closed.
It will never be over as long as this country
continues to rob the poor man and line the
pockets of the wealthy.
It will never be over as long as any man
is denied the medical care he needs to remain healthy.
It will never be over as long as one person
is harmed by terrorists, extremists and supremacists,
annihilators and haters killing the innocent anywhere.
It will never be over as long as there is injustice anywhere.
It will never be over until black and brown boys and girls are
provided adequate tools with which to learn.
It will never be over until, in this nation,
there is equity in money earned.
The work will never be over,
and America will never be the America of our dreams
until we finally understand what freedom and justice for ALL
really means.
It will never be over until every man can live not only freely
and equally, but safely in this world.
It will never be over.
No, it will never be over.

copyright 2016, Patricia Newman-Harris

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Celebrating King Day...Celebrating the Dream and What it Means

Thank You for the Dream

As we celebrate the legacy
You left behind
The light of your love still shines
The words, I have a dream
Still scream
Resonating beyond the grave
To the roads you have paved.
Though you are gone,
On the strength of your words alone,
One man stood strong
Declaring, “Yes we can”
With the passion and fire
that only you could inspire.
Because of you,
a dream came true
For a nation.
For every little boy and girl
Across the world,
The doors of opportunity opened wide.
So, we can stand with pride
Knowing anyone can climb the mountain
Until they reach the top.
You sparked an eternal flame.
There is no limit to what we can attain.
The legacy you left behind
Has allowed us to shine.
So, today, we just want to say thank you.
Thank you for the victories we have won,
For the triumphs we have seen
Most of all, thank you for the dream.
Your blood, sweat and tears
Brought us through the trying years.
Thank you,
Thank you
For the opportunities you provided,
For the doors that opened wide,
For every road you paved,
For the lives you saved
For the seed you have sown
For the wind you have blown
Beneath our wings.
For all these things,
We thank you.
Because of you, our dreams can come true
You have passed the baton
So, your dreams will live on.
For all that you left behind,
I just want the first thank you to be mine.
Because of you, no man need die
His dreams untried.
You died for that cause.
So, today we pause
And say thank you.
Thank you
For all the firsts achieved
Because you believed
For the lions of hate that were tamed
In your name,
For the victories we have won
For the triumphs we have seen;
For all that it means,
Thank you for the dream.
Thank you for the dream
For all that it means,
Thank you for the dream

copyright 2014 by Patricia Newman-Harris,  Living the Dream

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Beyond Where the Eye Can See

In the world in which we live,  a lot of what we feel towards others is based on what we see.  If we never go beyond the surface,  we will miss the best part, the essence of the heart.  There is a lot waiting beyond where the eye can see.

Beyond where the eye can see
are hidden treasures that transcend beauty.
Deep inside, where the spirit hides
Are uncharted seas
and unveiled mysteries
for you and me
Beyond where the eye can see.
Deep inside, beyond forever,
Fading never are stories untold,
Pirates booty and hidden treasures,
Sparkling gems and nuggets of gold
Too many for the hand to hold.
In fields of plenty, beauty lies
Invisible to the naked eye.
Few there be that find
The treasures that dangle
on the annuals of time.
The most perfect design
Aged like fine wine.
Oh, taste and see
The untold mysteries
Waiting beyond where the eye can see.

copyright 2014, Matters of the Heart