Monday, October 29, 2018

In Memory of Those Lost

It seems this will never end.
In times like these, I remember a poem written by
a friend that he entitled,
When will I Stop Writing Poems Like These?
Though it was some years ago that the poem was written,
I feel that it is still a very appropriate question.
There seems to be no end to the senseless killings.
When we are at war, we know lives will be lost.
The sad part about these killings is they cannot be
reasoned away.
When you have a Veteran who has served his country
in Iran or Iraq who can possibly return home only to
lose his life to gun violence, unexpectedly, something is wrong.
This is supposed to be our safe place, haven, our home.
It is the place that is supposed to embrace us all
at our lowest point.
If not here,
Where is our safe place?
Where is our haven?
When it comes to racism and prejudice,
Instead of there being a "never again,"
There is an again, and again and again.

To those who are grieving the unexpected loss of their
loved ones, I wish you peace.  I am so, so, sorry
that we have failed you once again.

When we all agree that peace
is the only course we will take
We will put an end to hate.

P. Harris