Tuesday, July 17, 2018

In All Thy Getting


In my lifetime, I have seen the seemingly impossible come to be
Man has accomplished things that will go down on the pages of history
He has soared high in the heavens above and delved the depths of the sea.
He has almost surpassed anything he hoped could be.
He has scaled the tallest mountains,
Traveled the vast terrain
Made countless discoveries,
Solved many a mystery,
He has conquered the unknown,
And righted many a wrong
Great men have come and gone
Trying to help us grow strong
Some have left behind a great legacy
Trying to make things better for you and me
Despite our victories, there remains one lingering defeat
One standard we have yet to meet
One dream that goes unfulfilled,
We have shown that we can conquer our greatest fears,
But we can’t make our differences disappear
We have built great bridges
And elaborate edifices
We have caused many things to cease
But still, there is no peace
We can transplant the human heart
But we can’t change the condition of the human heart
All of man’s accomplishments will pale
If in this one task he fails
We can cast everything we’ve done into the sea
If there is no love between you and me
For everything man has done will be without meaning
If in all his getting, he fails to get an understanding.

copyright Patricia Newman Harris

Scripture reference:

Proverbs Chapter 4

It amazes me as I sit back and watch some of the events of recent days
It almost leaves me speechless.  What can you say when in the presence
of truth, there appears to be a blatant absence of truth?
I try not to be discouraged by anything I see and hear, and I always
remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. regarding justice.
"Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."

I know all things are working for our good.