Thursday, July 5, 2018

Losing is Hard, but Stay Encouraged

One of my past-times is watching voice competitions like American Idol and the Voice.
I see so many hopeful singers being told no.  I see the disappointment on their faces and
I feel their hurt.  For all of those people who are turned down, I want to say, Stay encouraged.
The words no should never deter you from your dreams.  There is nothing anyone can say to take your dreams away from you.

Have you ever looked high into the sky
and asked, why?
In your lifetime there will be many days
that you will not understand.
The key is to stay in the race
Don't allow yourself to be displaced.
I saw the tears streaming down your face
When the judges said you did not place.
I know it is hard to stay encouraged
when you feel so discouraged
Hearing the words "no"
cut to the very soul
But don't lose sight of your goal.
The closer you get
The more you may hear the words, "Not yet."
You may be told that you are not the one.
Remember, it's not over
It's not done
This might not be the year
for you to hear what you want to hear
It's okay to shed your tears
But have no fear
In your lifetime
There will be a right place and a right time
Failure is only a part of your journey
It is just one rung on the stairway to the top
Don't stop
You will rise, not by your power
But by his might
Keep seeking the light.
Like a starship in the night
Your dreams will one day take flight!


People look into your eyes and tell you "No."
God looks inside your heart and tells you, "Yes."