Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Good-bye to a True American

Though there may be differences in what I believe and what others believe in this country,
I have always been able to look beyond politics to the heart of the person.  I would like to offer this poem to the family of John McCain, who, at heart, was a true American.  He looked beyond party to consider the good of our nation.  For that, we should be most grateful.  Would that more of our politicians could do the same.  His honesty and his integrity will be missed.

 Long Live America

To the men and women who towed the line,
Walked on mines,
Kept watch day and night
So we could see the dawn’s early light.
To those who left family and friends behind,
Gave freely of their time.
To the young men and women who postponed their dreams
To give us a chance to know what freedom means.
How do we say thank you?
How do we repay such a debt as yours?
You chose to sail foreign shores
Never knowing if you would ever be back.
You came under constant attack,
But you never said no to the call.
You gave your all.
Every opportunity we enjoy
Came at great expense.
You provided our defense.
You bore the hurt and pain
Without shame,
Without fear.
Because of you, we are still here,
Standing strong on your behalf.
In your honor, we fly our flags at half-staff.
We raise our hands in salute to you,
Because this is what we do.
You are gone, but know, you will never be forgotten
No, you will never be forgotten.
Every Memorial Day, you are there.
Every Independence Day you are there,
Every Veteran’s Day, you are there.
Every victory we celebrate, you are there.
Every flag that we raise,
Every moment of praise
Is not our's alone.
From every hillside and plain,
We proudly speak your name.
Because of you, America is America,
And will always be,
Because of you,
we can still sing of her spacious skies
And purple mountains majesty
You made America the beautiful country we see.
Our country, our home
It is because of people like you,
We can proudly sing,
Let freedom ring!
Long live freedom,
Long live liberty,
Long live America,
Our country,
Our home.

 copyright Patricia Newman-Harris