Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Love Game

I grew up in a day when you kinda had an idea of a guy's intent.  You usually didn't have to guess what he meant.  If he liked you, he'd let you know.  I admit there may have been sometimes when I had to resort to, "He loves me.  He loves me not."  Generally, however, things were rather routine.  If a guy liked you, he asked you to "Go steady."  From then on, you were considered boyfriend and girlfriend.

Over the years there has been a gradual change.  I find it all strange.  Now, a girl has no clue of where a guy is coming from until one day, he announces he is "Done."  Magically, he determines that you were not the one or, he was "Just not that into you."  The problem is, you may not hear the words directly from his mouth.  The news can come from so many different platforms.  It may come via text, Instagram or Facebook.  Who knows?  You can be going out on the regular, even being intimate more regular than not, and still be introduced as his "Friend."  I grew up when friends were not anyone you slept with.  Hey, I did say I was old school.  I sure don't understand the rules.  The dating game is far from the same.  People are getting matched by Patti, making Love Connections with Andy instead of Chuck, getting Married at First Sight and making Proposals on the first night.  They are so confused they are going on TV asking the question, "Are you the one?"  I find it all intriguing.  I just wonder when finding love became so complicated?   Seems like, in spite of the numerous ways you can hook up, people seem to be incapable of hooking up without help.  They are joining Match, E Harmony or some other dating site hoping for a bite.  There is a risk in all of this.  Instead of finding the one, many have found a Catfish on their line.  It is worse than dating blind.  At least when you go on an actual blind date, you stand a better chance of not being deceived.  All I can say is I wish all of you searchers out there the best.   I really do hope you find "The One."  


I was making light of the situation, but searching for love is something most of us spend a lifetime doing.  Who knows if true love will ever come our way?  Stay encouraged.  Take the heartaches with the pain but make every effort to stay in the game.  One day you will realize it was worth it all.  Even when love is gone, you have got to let the love play on.