Monday, April 30, 2018

The Precious Gift of Life

Watching the news of late has been very hard.
Every day some innocent person is killed.  The
accidents are difficult to accept but understood.
I cannot understand the unnecessary deaths that
occur each and every day.  It is especially hard
to listen to a report of innocent people being
mowed down by a vehicle, bombed or murdered
for the color of their skin.

Every day we live is a gift.
Treasure the gift of your life,
but also treasure the gift of each and
every life, regardless of color, station,
race or any other differences that may exist.

None of us have the ability to recreate a life,
so we definitely have no right to take a life.

That authority belongs to God alone.
Before you decide to take a life,
think of this.  You may be willing to
surrender your own, but that person has not
granted you permission to take theirs.  Please,
please, have respect for the gift of life.  It is
a precious gift granted to us all.  Love, the gift,
Thank God for the gift, but most of all, respect
the gift.