Friday, December 7, 2018

Story Without End

There is a story that began long ago
One we all know
I call it a story without end
Because it has been told again and again.
Year after year
It reaches ear after ear.
It is a story about a little baby boy's immaculate birth,
and how he came to earth to give life to the dying.
It is a story that encourages us to keep trying
And to have hope
Above all hope.
For those who believe the impossible can be,
It is more than a story
It is reality
A love to be treasured
From one who loves beyond measure
A love to be treasured
From one who loves beyond measure.
It is a story that imparts
Love to every heart
It is the reason why we celebrate with great joy
The birth of one baby boy
Tell the story
Tell of his glory
Let the world sing
Halleluiah to our King
Come let us adore this holy one
For all the days to come
Celebrate his birth
For he came to bring peace on earth
Remember the story,
Tell the story
Again and again
For it is the only story without end.

copyright 2010 Patricia Newman Harris
Matters of the Heart