Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Final Black History Post--Plea to Our Nation

Time varies from place to place
But a rainbow is a rainbow from any place.
A child born in Russia may be different from
a child born in the USA, but a child is a child
from any place. I said that to say, things change
with perspective, but life is not simply about perspective.
We are more than our circumstances, and certainly,
more than the skin we are wrapped up in.
We have constant debate about whether or not
we are all the same.  Clearly, we are unique in our design.
But, no design is more perfect than another.
We are all men, and as such, we are all, imperfect.
There is none perfect among us.  I'm sure there are
some who would debate this to their grave, but
it wouldn't change a thing.  Simply defined, we are
all made by God's design and apart from the things
that we allow to separate us and destroy our trust,
we are the same.  A drowning man will sink
whether he is red, blue or pink.  In war, every one
suffers when any man dies, because, when it's all
said and done, the devastation left behind, impacts everyone

As long as the world turns and turns, what we do and say,
big or small, has an effect on us all.   A bomb that falls
someplace in the DMZ, impacts us all.  When the planes
hit the World Trade Center, there were no winners.  Death
only leaves pain for those who will never again see their
loved ones again.  We didn't ask the race of the victims lost,
as Americans, we suffered a collective loss.

So, as a nation, we have to realize that we are one unit of
many parts connected by, what should be our most important common bond,
our love for our country.  Democrat or Republican, immigrant American
born and bred, black or white, we all have the same goals and the same fight.
If failure is to be our plight, it will be our joint plight.  I can't come against
you without impacting my own circumstance.  We can
continue to separate and demonize one another in this fight, or we can
come together.   We have got to stop the hate.  Hate does not come
by chance.  It is a deliberate attempt to cause destruction and pain.  If we
lead with hate, we have no one to blame if hate is what we get in return.
It is my hope and prayer, that we will choose to lead with love and humanity
towards all men.