Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Happy Holidays...Grateful

This is written for those who find Christmas a difficult time of the year for whatever reason.  One day, I heard Steve Harvey talking about gratitude.  He reminded me to be mindful of those things that I have instead of focusing on those things that I don't have.   Regardless of what is going on in our life, we all can find a reason to be grateful.  Some have more than others to be grateful for, but as Mr. Harvey said, sometimes we don't have more because we haven't expressed gratitude for what we do have.   Why would God give us more when we clearly don't appreciate what he has already given us?  Made sense to me.  Every year at Christmas, when I start missing my family, I am encouraged by the reminder of how many years God allowed them to bless our lives.  We were one of the few who had both parents throughout our lives.  That, in and of itself, was a blessing.  I will always be grateful for their sacrifices, because they didn't have to do it, but they did.