Friday, December 14, 2012

What Christmas means to me


©2005 by P. Newman-Harris

To those who believe
Christmas only comes in December
Take a moment to remember.
Remember the Holy one
Remember all that he has done.
Christmas is more than a season,
Much more than a few days of fun.
Christmas is a time to remember
Remember the love
He sent from above.
Remember God’s grace,
Remember his mercy
It's showing the same love and trust
He has shown us.
It's taking a stance,
Independent of circumstance,
Loving a sister or brother who can’t stand 
It's offering a hand
It’s opening your home
To someone spending Christmas alone.
It’s going out of your way to help the deprived.
Offering a co-worker a ride,
Giving an encouraging word or two.
Doing whatever you can do.
It’s standing in the gap for someone,
Regardless of race
Or the color of the face.
It’s not about color.
It’s about helping one another.
It’s the caring
And the sharing
It’s putting a smile on the face
Of children in India, Africa
And America.
It’s the showing of God’s amazing grace.
Not just one day,
But each and everyday.
It’s the giving.
It’s the living.
It’s showing the same love as he.
And thanking him for his grace and mercy
To all who believe
Christmas is not just in December
It's taking time to remember
Remember, the holy one
For all that he has done.
No matter what the reason
Or the season
We must remember