Thursday, August 2, 2012

In case you're wondering what I'm up to, I'm kinda taking a break to work on a book that will be available on Create Space, entitled" Matters of the Heart."  I will let you know when it is completed.

I've posted the poem entitled Matters of the Heart before, but I will post it again later.  In the meantime, here is a poem that is one I treasure most, because, it came to me so fast I could hardly get it down fast enough.  It was one of the first that came to me that way.  It is entitled, A Wake Up Call to the Brothers.  I've since revised it.    This poem will be the basis for another book of poetry entitled, "Living the Dream", which will be published soon.  A miniature version of both books is now available on

Wake Up Call to the Brothers

This is a wakeup call to the brothers on the street,
The ones who are yet doing drive-bys and shedding the blood of his own.
Killing, robbing and victimizing the young and the old alike.

Yes, you, my brother.
When are you going to wake up?
Can’t you see the plan?
You’re just playing right into their hands.
Destroying your own self and your own neighborhoods
There’s no need for someone to put on a white hood
Like they used to do,
Not when they have you.
Spilling our blood all over the street.
You’ve got them beat
Killing, thieving and victimizing your own.
You know that is wrong.
For that, there is simply no excuse.
We shouldn’t have to suffer your abuse.

When are you going to stop complaining that the man is holding you back
And clean up your own act?

In case you haven’t heard yet,
The world is no longer going to provide you with a safety net.
Affirmative action, county aid, unemployment are going to go bye, bye.
If the eagle is going to fly, you’ve got to try.

If you continue down this dark path, you’re going to end up a statistic,
Wind up going ballistic,
Or be the next black man on America’s Most Wanted list,
Your life is at risk.
So, I’m going to give it to you straight.
Maybe then you can relate.
I’m only going to say this one time.
I just want to put something on your mind.
Let’s not pretend.
There has always been a systematic plan and plot for your end.
You are doing the enemy’s job and doing it well.
Can’t you tell?
You are selling drugs, smoking whatever you can find,
Drinking yourself out of your mind,
Doing time
Trying to live on a nickel and a dime,
Refusing to go to school or learn a trade so you can get ahead.
How much longer do you think it will take before you wind up dead?

Wake up my brother take a look around.
Remove the shield from your eyes.
The clock is ticking and your crimes are accruing.
Think about what you’re doing.

You best believe your enemy has his eye on you.
He’s content watching you destroy you.
Each time you kill your own there’s one less he has to destroy
There’s no need for a decoy.
All he has to do is watch the news at night
He doesn’t have to drive into the neighborhood with no lights.
I can hear his laughter echoing inside my head.
I can hear his victory shout.  “Another one is dead!”

I know life is not easy for you my brother and that your struggle has worn you down,
But you, unlike some of our ancestors, are not six feet under the ground,
Buried in an unmarked grave,
Because you chose to die rather than to live your life as a slave.
All of your dreams and wishes didn’t die with you.
There is something you can do.
You have a choice.
You have your own voice.
Don’t fall down in defeat.
Begin to stand on your own two feet.

Do you think Martin sacrificed his life for you to throw yours away?
It’s a new day.
In case you haven’t heard, we are free.
So, why aren’t you living like you are free?
What will it take?
The world is growing tired of trying to shake you awake.
I just don’t understand.
You can do it, I know you can
I’m pulling for you, yes I am.
End the bloodshed
Stop fighting blue against the red,
Start living for the good of our neighborhoods.
You don't have to be the next black man lying in the street
With outstretched feet.

I hope you get no rest in what you are doing.  So that the every time you take to the streets to take a life you will hear their laughter (and the words," Another one is dead") every time you pull the trigger.

Wake up, my brother.  Wake up.
Wake up, my brother.  Wake up

Wake up, my brother.  Wake up
Wake up, my brother.  Wake up

Revised version ©2011
By P. Newman-Harris