Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Father's Day Poem by Richard O. Jones, Guest Poet

Making of a Man
(In honor of Father’s Day)
by Richard O. Jones
Not every man should be a father
But every father should be a man
The natural ability to provide the seed
Does not conclude the plan
The seed fertilizes Mother Earth
Who nurtures the seed to full bloom
Then she yields a gift to the father
His descendant, the fruit of her womb
Mother Earth made him a father
Tilling his harvest makes him a man
Planting the seed was preliminary
But that did not conclude the plan
Though a mother can give sound advice
As the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31
It takes iron to sharpen iron
Motherly advice leaves a job half done
It takes a man to teach mature manly logic
When and when not to wage war
He strives to show his daughters
The Rose of Sharon that they truly are
It matters not his charm nor his stature
Because after all is said and done
Did he diligently till his harvest
Or yield his seed and run?
Not every man should be a father
But every father should be a man

Every Father's Day I begin the Father's Day tribute with this poem.