Monday, October 17, 2011

The Extreme Makeover

          The Extreme Makeover

Everyone wants the perfect body
If they don’t like what they see,
They change their anatomy.
Tuck here
Lipo there
Add some lips
Remove some hips
Add some hair
Touch up everywhere
Recolor your eyes, reshape your nose.
Do you want more or less?
Leave it to man
To let things get out of hand
Make your baby
Exactly the way you want him to be
Clone the perfect child
He will never go out of style
You can have it all,
Handsome, and tall,
High IQ
He can look exactly like you.
TV is reinforcing this insanity
Feeding into people's vanity
Changing their looks from head to toe
Anything goes
Whatever you say
You want to change your body?
See Dr. Gotte
He has everything you need
He can make anyone a beauty Queen
Men, you don’t know what is real and what’s not?
You don’t even know what you’ve got.
Even with a closer look,
Some have been mistook
There’s nothing we won’t do.
It’s sad, but it’s true
We are no longer satisfied with God’s handiwork
We’re too busy trying to find someone to do a new work
Sooner or later reality must be faced
There are some things that can never be replaced.
We can change our hair, our eyes,
Our lips and our thighs,
But no matter how much we plan
We can never match the work done by the Master’s hands.
Copyright:  P.Newman-Harris