Sunday, October 9, 2011

Close Your Eyes

Close your eyes and visualize with me
A world where we could live together peacefully
With no sounds of bombs bursting in air
And spirit of contentment everywhere.
From nation to nation
There would be a shared station
No man esteemed higher than another.
We would live as brothers.
Our love would be so strong
We could do one another no wrong.
We would rejoice in victories not our own
There would be no anger in our tone
We would share a common good
There would be no unrest in our neighborhoods,
No, barrios, no ghettos, no gang retaliation,
No bullets to go astray.
Can you imagine such a day?
Broken relationships would finally heal
With anybody we could just chill.
Imagine never wanting to settle a score,
Never hating any more,
Never having to pretend,
Reject, neglect or condescend
Imagine a world with no guns,
Weapons of mass destruction,
Violence or corruption.
There would be no need to fear.
A code of honor would adhere
All decisions would be non-politically based,
And for the good of the human race
A spirit of love would be re-birthed
Here on this earth.
Liberty and justice would eternally reign,
A universal quest for equality would loose every chain.
Every dream denied would finally come true
The world would be made anew.
Close your eyes
And visualize
With me
A world where we could live together peacefully.                        

Copyright by P Newman-Harris