Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Remembering Our Heritage and Being Thankful for Our Legacy

Image result for civil rights movement timeline

As I look back on this picture, I am reminded of how far we have come.
Because I know the cost of freedom, I am eternally grateful for the sacrifices that were made.  What price freedom?

Will We Ever?

If Martin were here today,

What would he say?

Would he be surprised to discover

That we have failed at world peace;

That wars have not ceased?

Would his eyes fill with tears

Over the wasted years?

He sacrificed to leave this nation

With a vision.

He wanted us to embrace his vision,

Understand his dream,

Live his dream.

He spent his life trying to right the world’s wrongs

In order to give us a place to belong.

His vision was not for some.

It was for everyone.

It hurts to know that he risked his neck

Only to have us throw away the check.

As a nation, we still stand firmly apart.

Nothing seems to penetrate our heart.

We sing we shall overcome,

But we still can’t live as one.

Will we ever stand where he stood?

Will we ever understand what he could?

Will we ever see peace?

Will wars ever cease?

 He gave his life.

For us, he willingly sacrificed.

We owe every slave

That went to his grave

His dream untried.

We must stand for Emmitt Till,

Whose dreams were never fulfilled;

For  everyone who couldn’t ride

In the front of the bus

Like us;

For those entertainers who couldn’t walk

Through the front door,

And for those who aren’t here anymore.

To Martin, and Medgar,

President Lincoln and John F. Kennedy;

To everyone who fought for our equality;

To every soldier that defended this country

To the death.

We owe a debt.

For them,

We must climb every mountain,

Swim every sea,

And grab hold to every opportunity.

We must learn to live as one.

That is the only way

We can show our appreciation

For all that was done.

copyright 2014, Patricia Newman-Harris, Living the Dream