Sunday, February 11, 2018


Love Is

Love is an outstretched hand in time of need

It is the planting of mercy’s seed.

Love is a cooling rain

It is a song"s sweet refrain.

Love is a passionate kiss,

Love is a loved one dearly missed.

Love is a field of flowers in bloom,

Love is a lover’s moon on a warm summer night in June.

Love is an enchanting dance.

Love is allowing the heart a second chance.

Love is a tender caress

Restoring the weary soul with rest

Love quenches the thirsty man

Beached on the desert sand.

Love is our hearts song

It’s that place we know we belong.

Where love abides,

There also resides a cooling tide

That comforts the heart with sweet peace

Upon which the weary soul can feast

Out of the abundance of the heart love doth come

Like the warmth of the morning sun

Giving radiance and light

On the darkest of nights.

Love is life and breath

It is giving all you have left

It is the rhythm of two hearts beating in time

Love is the poet’s rhyme.

Love is the romance we make,

It is the give and take.

It is our rapture in blue

It is all that we know as true.

Love is our heart’s center.

It is that place we are safe to enter.

Love is that special place two can hide.

Love is you and I

copyright Patricia Newman-Harris