Thursday, January 12, 2017


A King is what you were destined to be
One who could see injustices others could not see.
Hand chosen by God to lead the battle against inequality
You were a King fit to be a King.
You changed the world with one cry, "Let freedom ring."
You gave your life to right the ultimate wrong.
Yours was not a message of violence, but one of love,
peace and humility.
You could forgive the unforgiveable,
Motivate the unmotivated and move the seemingly immovable.
You awakened the sleeping and quickened the dead in spirit.
You taught us to draw from a well spring of strength.
That lay dormant in the pain and agony of injustice.
You gave us a vision of what was on the other side.
You ignited our hearts with pride.
You enabled us to see that we could overcome,
If in our hearts we would believe.
That was your hope.
That was your dream.
You penetrated the darkness of hopeless and despair
and became a beacon of hope, challenging,
inspiring and gently courageously guiding us through.
Like the great men and women who championed freedom's cause,
the light of your legacy of hope lives on.
They may have stilled your voice, 
but, in our spirits, we can still hear your cry,
"Free at last.
Free at last
Thank God Almighty,
We are free at last!"
All hail to you Martin.
Forever, in our hearts
you will be a King,
fit to be a King.

copyright:  P. Newman-Harris