Wednesday, October 19, 2016

America's Challenge

My fellow Americans,
Everyday, life offers us a choice.
We make that choice through our voice.
What we say and what we do, really does matter.
We can use our voice to encourage,
Or, we can use it to discourage.
We can use it to give or
We can use it to take.
We can use it to bring love
Or, we can use it to bring hate.
That is our challenge.

We can exercise our choice,
Or we can still our voice.
We can insure that the things that matter
Continue to matter.
We can assure we achieve
the things we want as a nation. 
Or we can give up
on what we've worked so hard to achieve.
That is our challenge.

What we are seeing now is a battle to
bend the arc of justice in the opposite direction.
But hate must not prevail.

We can use our voice to encourage,
Or, we can use it to discourage.
We can use it to give,
We can use it to take.
We can use it to bring love,
Or, we can use it to bring hate.
That is our challenge.

To those of us who are in the battle to stay,
Saddle up cause it's going to be a rough ride.
I pray you will determine that you are in the battle for the long haul.
Then lets sit high atop the horse of hate and ride!