Monday, May 4, 2015

Wishing all Mothers Happy Mother's Day!

mothers day

 I wrote a poem entitled, I Can Always Count on You, for my own mother.  Though I lost her now 2 years ago, she is still very much a part of me.  She was a blessing to us throughout our lives.  We will be forever grateful to her for the time and love she poured into our family.

I Can Always Count on You

Mama I always knew I could count on you.
You were there when I took my first breath.
You held my hand until I could stand.
You helped me make my first steps.
You helped me form the words I was trying to say.
You took me to school on my first day.
You bandaged every little nick.
You sat with me when I was sick.
You sang to me when I was a child.
You brightened each day with your smile.
You taught me what I needed to know.
You took me wherever I needed to go.
When life became too much,
You soothed me with your touch.
When I was angry,
You loved me unconditionally.
You saw me through the difficult years.
When I cried, you dried my tears.
Mama I always knew I could count on you
To see me through.
You tucked me in at night.
You taught me how to live right.
When I said I can't,
You said, You can.
You gave me good advice.
You led me to Christ.
When I was in trouble,
You were there on the double.
By design,
You were always on time.
Mama, thank you for being the woman you are;
My bright shining star,
My inspiration,
And my motivation.
Mama, I always knew
I could count on you.
For peace and understanding,
I could count on you.
For love and trust,
I could count on you.
For courage and strength,
I could count on you.
Mama, you are life and breath to me.
Without you, where would I be?
People like you
Are precious and few.
Mama, I always knew
I could count on you.

copyright Patricia Newman-Harris