Friday, May 29, 2015

To all Graduates---Run fast, run free, run straight into your destiny!


It was not by chance that you were birthed
God ordained this day on earth.
While you were yet being formed
Before you were born
God knew all the while what was to be
He had already created your destiny
He created you to be a special child
One destined to go that extra mile,
He assigned this task to you.
He knew you would do what was required of you
With his hand on yours
You can open any doors.
Let it be etched in your heart and in your soul
You are more precious than gold.
From the day of your birth,
God determined your worth.
Never be afraid to walk into your destiny.
You can be all that you were created to be.
Run fast, run free
Run straight into your destiny.

Copyright P. Newman-Harris

May this be the beginning of the rest and the best day of your life!

Run fast, run free, run straight into your destiny...Congratulations Graduates!

It was not by chance that you were birthed
God ordained this day on earth.
While you were yet being formed
Before you were born
God knew all the while what was to be
He had already created your destiny
He created you to be a special child
One destined to go that extra mile,
He assigned this task to you
He knew you would do what was required of you
With his hand on you
There is nothing that you cannot do.
Let it be etched in your heart and in your soul
You are more precious than gold.
From the day of your birth,
God determined your worth.
Never be afraid to walk into your destiny.
You can be all that you were created to be.
Run fast, run free
Run straight into your destiny.

Copyright P. Newman-Harris

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Memorial Day Tribute--Surely

To those men and women who served
We pause to give you the respect you deserve.
You answered the call.
You gave your all.
As American citizens, we are truly blessed by your sacrifices.
From the greatest to the least we appreciate all you have done.
We honor you for every victory that was won,
and we thank you  for every brick that was laid to the foundation of peace.

I dedicate this poem to those who continue the fight.
One day, there will no longer be a need to fight.
Surely, blinded eyes will one day open,
And we will see the light.

Trying to understand the heart of man
One day I took pen in hand.
Burdened by the condition of the human heart,
I wondered if we’d ever make a brand new start.
Question after question formed in my mind.
It was clear we were running out of time.
With years slipping away,
The day seemed further and further away.
Listening to messages of hate
Formulate and penetrate,.
 Considering the circumstances in a diseased world,
I questioned whether there would be a different world
Before I closed my eyes
How much longer will the innocent suffer and die?
With the light of hope burning dim,
Was I holding onto a chance that was slim?
Surely, there was some good to be found,
Surely, we would place our feet on solid ground
I believe the impossible can come to be.
 The insanity will end.
Hate is not the burning message in the heart of men.
Somewhere deep inside of us,
There’s a desire to love and trust.
If my soul is to find relief,
I have to hold onto that belief.
I have to believe
The gift of peace will one day be received
In every kingdom and every land where there is discord.
Surely one day man will be on one accord.
Someday, peace will be more than just a word
In every language, in every tongue, the message will be heard.
Surely one day the wars will end.
I don’t know when.
In this one thing we shall not fail.
One day peace will prevail.

Copyright 2010 by Patricia Newman-Harris
 Matters of the Heart 


Monday, May 4, 2015

Wishing all Mothers Happy Mother's Day!

mothers day

 I wrote a poem entitled, I Can Always Count on You, for my own mother.  Though I lost her now 2 years ago, she is still very much a part of me.  She was a blessing to us throughout our lives.  We will be forever grateful to her for the time and love she poured into our family.

I Can Always Count on You

Mama I always knew I could count on you.
You were there when I took my first breath.
You held my hand until I could stand.
You helped me make my first steps.
You helped me form the words I was trying to say.
You took me to school on my first day.
You bandaged every little nick.
You sat with me when I was sick.
You sang to me when I was a child.
You brightened each day with your smile.
You taught me what I needed to know.
You took me wherever I needed to go.
When life became too much,
You soothed me with your touch.
When I was angry,
You loved me unconditionally.
You saw me through the difficult years.
When I cried, you dried my tears.
Mama I always knew I could count on you
To see me through.
You tucked me in at night.
You taught me how to live right.
When I said I can't,
You said, You can.
You gave me good advice.
You led me to Christ.
When I was in trouble,
You were there on the double.
By design,
You were always on time.
Mama, thank you for being the woman you are;
My bright shining star,
My inspiration,
And my motivation.
Mama, I always knew
I could count on you.
For peace and understanding,
I could count on you.
For love and trust,
I could count on you.
For courage and strength,
I could count on you.
Mama, you are life and breath to me.
Without you, where would I be?
People like you
Are precious and few.
Mama, I always knew
I could count on you.

copyright Patricia Newman-Harris