Wednesday, March 27, 2013

He Stands Alone

Jehovah, Elohim, Yahweh, Rabbi
Jesus, Master, Savior, Lord,  El Shaddi
By whatever name he is known,
He stands alone.
For only he can give sight to the blind,
Turn water into wine,
Hang the moon and the stars
By waving his hand,
Breathe life into man;
Create thousands of animals and plants,
Some with names we cannot say
Awaken each of us everyday
Name each creature one by one
Raise and lower the sun
Sprinkle the stars across an evening sky
Tell the birds that fly
Where to fly to and when
Bring peace after mighty winds
Have blown
Make the earth tremble and groan
And usher the waves  that roll  in to shore and out to sea
If we gazed into the universe we would never see as far as he.
He knows each of us by name,
Can call each of us at one time
From millions of voices, he can distinguish yours and mine.
Only he can create a unique design every time,
If we searched the world over,  no greater love would we find.
If we praised him, we could not praise him enough,
If I said he was excellent, I would not be saying enough.
If I said he was wonderful, it would not be enough.
If I said he was awesome, it would not exalt him enough.
Jehovah, Elohim, Yahweh, Rabbi
Jesus, Master, Savior, Lord,  El Shaddi
By whatever name he is known,
He stands alone.

copyright P. Newman-Harris