Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Miracle of You

Father, thank you for the miracle of you,
For showing us what love can do.
Every time I see a Mother giving birth
I’m reminded of the miracle of your birth
What a gift that God did give
When he sent his only son that we might live!
When I think of the miracles you performed,
How you transformed
Water into wine,
And gave sight to the blind.
Every time I read about the ten thousand you fed
With two fish and five loaves of bread,
I cannot deny the awesomeness of you.
There is nothing you can’t do.
That any man could stand in your presence
And deny your existence
Is evidence to me
That blinded eyes cannot see your power and your majesty.
It hurts to think of what we put you through
When the ultimate display of love came through you.
So, Father I thank you for allowing us to feel your touch,
For loving us so much
But most of all for showing us what love can do.
Thank you for the miracle of you.

copyright  P.Newman-Harris