Friday, April 7, 2017

Poetry month..I Live and Breathe Poetry

I Live and Breathe Poetry

Just like some people crave coffee 
I crave poetry 
I make no apologies 
I live and breathe poetry 
I don't know what I'd do if I lost my poetic flow 
If my minds pen ever runs dry 
Surely, I’d just shrivel up and die 
It would definitely be my worst nightmare 
No poet’s cupboards should ever be bare
Whenever I go for a spell without writing 
I start this infernal nail biting. 
I find myself wondering when 
The dry spell will end 
Will the words ever spill from my mind 
Like fine wine?
I yearn for those vintage thoughts that give one reason to pause. 
I’m not looking for applause. 
I hope that’s understood. 
I don’t need accolades 
Cause those things will surely fade 
I just have a simple love for poetry that I can’t define 
It’s my lifeline, 
In an ever-pressing world 
Where problem after problem can unfirl
I’m sure somebody here can relate 
My sanity is at stake 
Poetry is my inner peace 
That makes the noises cease 
I live and breathe poetry 
It sets my spirit free 
Poetry is the wind beneath my wings 
It makes my heart sing 
And my spirit soar 
It is the open door 
My quiet in the midst of the storm 
It makes my spirit feel reborn 
So, I pray my well doesn’t ever run dry. 
I want to keep writing until I die. 
Even then, I want my writing to live on
Long after I’m gone 
I want it to bring comfort to the comfortless 
And rest to the restless 
I want it to be a source of inspiration 
And revelation  
I want my words to be a source of encouragement 
To those who live in constant torment 
Then, and only then, will my time here have been well-spent 
Does that make sense 
To anyone but me? 
Or am I the only one here that lives and breathes poetry?

copyright Patricia Newman-Harris