Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tribute to my Father--Letter to my Father

The first letter I wrote to my Dad was written in 2001.  This was written for Father's Day 2012,
only weeks after my Father passed.  It was one of the most difficult days in my life.  

A Letter to My Father

I can’t believe I made it to this day again
Not having you here.
I keep hoping that when I close my eyes,
magically, you will appear
I’ve always known you were one in a million.
That special one,
The one that surpassed the rest.
The best of the best.
I feel like I never told you enough
Just how special you were to me.
Mother’s hear it constantly,
But Father’s sometimes don’t often hear
The words I love you out loud.
I know those words would have made you proud.
I should have told you that, in my eyes,
You hung the moon and the stars,
That you were my superstar
My hero,
My champion
Of champions,
My father
Of father’s among men.
In your eyes this would have meant the world,
Because it was coming from your little girl.
No matter how old I was,
In your heart I held a special place.
It was written all over your face
I wish I would have said the words I kept in my heart
And in my mind.
That the best father in the world was mine.
Day after day somehow slipped pass.
Time moves so fast.
Daddy you have got to know
I miss you so.
On this side, I know I’ll never see you again,
But one day, when I leave this place,
I will see your face,
Tell you all the things you missed,
Plant your face with one big kiss
And say out loud this time
The best father in the world was mine.

Happy Father’s Day Daddy

I will always be grateful to my Father for providing us with a life-time of unconditional love and devotion.  I never could have wanted for more.

I wrote this letter to him on Father's Day 2001.


As long as I can remember, you
have always been near.

With you around, I knew I had nothing
to fear.

In your family, you have always taken pride.
That is a joy you could never hide.

You have always worked hard at anything
you put your hands to.

You are always willing and eager to help others by
doing whatever you can do.

When I think back, I don't think there is anything
you have not sold; shoes and jewelry, to name a few.

Even during rough times, you saw our family through.
We always knew we could depend on you.

Family has always been your priority.
You have always believed in accountability.

Years have not changed you in the least.
Your commitment to our family has only increased.

Your unwavering belief that, A family that prays together
stays together
has seen us through stormy weather.

Daddy, you are the best father a daughter could have;
a hidden treasure found; a model of fatherhood and
a blessing to our family.

Thank you for being the example of the best person I could ever want to be.

Your Daughter, Pat.

I loved you then and I love you now and forever more.

Happy Father's Day