Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Letter to Santa

Letter_to_santa : Portrait of cute Santa Claus reading big letter on red background Stock Photo

Dear Santa:

My name is Trinity.
I’m writing this letter to you,
Cause I  there is nothing you can’t do.
I’m sending you my Christmas list.
There are so many things that I wish.
but if you could complete just one task,
That is all that I ask.
Santa, there is a man on the corner with no legs
Everyday he sits in his chair and begs
Can you make sure he has enough food to eat?
Would it be too much to ask that you give him a new pair of feet?
There’s a little boy at school who has only one shirt to wear
When it comes to bad luck, he has had more than his share.
Can you send him some shirts and some pants too?
He seldom gets anything that is new.
Santa don't forget my uncle in Iraq.
His family wants him back home
Before Christmas day.
It's been a long time that he's been away.
Santa, I have one last request.
The world today is one big mess.
Though I’m just a little girl,
I’m concerned about the world.
On this, the eve of our Savior's birth,
Do you think you can bring a little peace on earth?
Thank you Santa for reading my letter.
I know you can make this world better.
Santa, I’m counting on you
To make these Christmas wishes come true.
Oh, and Santa, 
Thank you
And Merry Christmas to you!


copyright P. Newman-Harris