Friday, September 16, 2011

So What

As school begins again, please keep in mind that the opportunity to learn is one that we should appreciate and treasure. 

When you go to school, put forth your best effort.  Knowledge is the key to success.   It's a gift of every child in this nation.   All you have to do is unwrap the gift.  If you do so, you will have no regrets.  It is by far one of the greatest gift you'll ever receive. 

So What
copyright 2009 by P. Newman-Harris

So what if it ain’t cool
Stay in school

So what if you say no to gangs
It ain’t no thang
You produce your own act
What someone else thinks, has nothing to do with that.

There will always be nay-sayers
And player haters

Telling you that you ain’t ghetto enough
You ain’t black enough

You ain’t, you ain’t
That will always be the complaint.

No matter what you do, it won’t be right
Just continue to keep your goals in sight.

Being black
Doesn’t mean you have to stay back

Nobody can tell you who you ought to be
Live like you are free

Stand tall
That’s all

Do your best
Forget about the rest.

Accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative

That applies to people too
You don’t need people who hinder you.

Don’t let anyone steal your dignity
Don’t give them that opportunity

Embrace originality
And individuality

Don't be afraid to explore
There are many open doors

If doors close in your face,
Feel no disgrace

Knock and keep knocking
Nothing is gained by stopping

You are in the driver’s seat
Never surrender to defeat

Be the student your teacher loves to teach
Don’t be the one no one can reach

Throwing away your mind is a disgrace
It is a slap in the face

To those who never had a chance to learn
And to those who sacrificed so that right could be earned

So what if it ain’t cool
Stay in school.