Wednesday, April 6, 2011

               Bigger Dreams

You asked to be a princess but God wanted to make you a Queen
God will make your dreams come true
He will surprise you with what he can do
Before you were birthed
Before you came to earth
Before you could conceive what was to be
He had already determined your destiny.

A young man held a vision
To assist those in need
He planted the seed
His faith enabled it to grow
It took him places he never expected to go.
Today, he travels the world.
Watching miracles unfurl.

God can take you places you have never seen.
He can make you a King or a Queen
He can bless you with riches untold
There is no good thing he will withhold.

There was a little girl who asked God to bless
He did more than bless.
He made her known in every country and land.
His plans for her life surpassed those of any man.
His dreams for her were bigger than any she could see.
That little girl was Oprah Winfrey.

He who has created the oceans and the seas
And sends the breeze to ruffle the trees,
Will he not take care of you and me?

You asked to be a princess, but God wanted to make you a Queen
His desires for us far exceeds our dreams

Out of the rubbles of a life
Comes a bright shining light
Once hurt and abused,
You can still be used.
He used Maya Angelou,
He can use you.
What is meant for bad God can make good
He knows the names of every child in the hood
God can transcend time and space.
He is bigger than any obstacle we might face.
Things are not always as they seem
God’s desires for you can far exceed your dreams
Before you were birthed
Before you came to earth,
Before you could conceive what was to be,
He had already determined your destiny.

©2008 by P. Newman-Harris